To foster the development of friendship, understanding and education through International Ambassador Exchange. The City will co-sponsor, with surrounding area school districts, an exchange program for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students to Musashino, Japan (the City of Lubbock’s sister city) for sixteen or more students each year during the summer.

About the Program

The Junior Ambassador Program was established to provide our youth with unique opportunities to develop international friendships and cultural understanding. The development of cross-cultural relationships through the Junior Ambassador program creates the kind of leaders who will recognize the importance of other cultures when they consider local, national, and international issues. By allowing our youth to experience and see other cultures first hand, we prepare them for success in a world where Japan and America are both friends and business partners. This once in a lifetime opportunity will enrich the Ambassadors' understanding of the social, political, and economic aspects of Japan and will increase their global competitiveness in the job market of the 21st Century.

Citizen Diplomacy

Citizen Diplomacy is the participation by hundreds of thousands of Americans in activities that promote international exchange, dialogue, and learning for the benefit of the individual, the community, the nation, and the world.

Citizen Diplomacy provides an opportunity for Americans of all backgrounds and interests to better understand the rest of the world and for others to learn more about America through such person-to-person activities as student and professional exchanges, hosting of foreign visitors, partnerships involving businesses, and outreach to international communities in our own country.

Citizen Diplomacy information extracted from the following website: Sister Cities International