Residential Parking Permit

Why do we need this program?
Currently, the City of Lubbock provides for parking in accordance with City Municipal Codes. Limited timed parking is allowed on any public street on one side of any street for a minimum distance of at least 150 feet and such a request represents 80% or more of the street frontage proposed to be placed in a limited parking zone. The difficulty with this strict guideline is that property owners are also restricted from parking in front of their own homes. By implementing a 'permit' program, residents will be able to limit non-neighborhood citizens from parking in front of their homes without losing valuable parking area.

What areas are eligible for this program?
Currently, there are five areas of town eligible for the Residential Parking Only Program.

Zone Number Zone Name Boundary Area
ZONE 1 Tech Terrace Neighborhood North:   19th Street (US 62/SH 114)
South:  34th Street
East:     University Avenue
West:    Indiana Avenue
ZONE 2 Heart of Lubbock North:   19th Street (US 62/SH 114)
South:  34th Street
East:     Avenue Q (US 84)
West:   Indiana Avenue
ZONE 3 South Overton North:   Broadway
South:  19th Street (US 62/SH 114)
East:     Avenue Q (US 84)
West:   University Avenue
ZONE 4 North Overton North:   Marsha Sharp Freeway (US 82) / 4th Street
South:  Broadway
East:     Avenue Q (US 84)
West:   University Avenue
ZONE 5 Arnett Benson North:   Clovis Road (US 84)
South:  Marsha Sharp Freeway (US 82) / 4th Street
East:    University Avenue
West:   Indiana Avenue

How do we implement a Residential Parking Area?
Residential parking areas or 'zones' will be established by the City Manager or his/her designee. Once a residential parking zone has been established, a neighborhood can participate in this program on a street-by-street basis. A citizen may call our office and request that his/her street be included in the Residential Parking Program (RPP). A petition will be sent to his/her address. Once the petition has been returned to our office with 60% of the residents on one side of a numerical street requesting the installation of the RPP, and all necessary moneys are collected, the restricted parking signs will be erected and enforcement will begin. Traffic Engineering staff will be available at any time to answer any questions as they arise.

How will we be able to get the permits?
Any individual wishing to receive a parking permit will be required to complete an application. This application will verify that each individual is a resident of this neighborhood. Acceptable sources of verification include a driver's license, a copy of the insurance card, vehicle registration form, or a current utility bill with the applicant' name on it. Once complete, a citizen will only be required to verify the accuracy of the information each year.

What about our service people and guests?
Any marked service vehicle will be exempt from the parking restrictions. One guest pass will be issued with each permit purchased and will be valid for one year up to a maximum of three passes per residence.

What do we do for long-term guests or large gatherings?
These cases will be handled on an individual basis. Long-term guests will be eligible for a parking permit. Large gatherings will require an individual to obtain passes through our department which will be valid for ONE DAY ONLY.

What costs are associated with the installation of a parking permit area?
The cost of installing this program will be a $50.00 application fee plus the cost of all signs. Parking restriction signs are placed approximately every 150 feet and cost $52.00 each. A parking sticker can be purchased, but not required, once a year for each car you own, with a total limit of five (5) parking stickers per residence. The cost of a parking sticker is $5.00ea.

What happens when the permit period expires? How do we renew our permit?
Renewals can be made either by mail or in person at the Traffic Engineering office located at 915 Avenue J, 2nd Floor, Suite #212. Renewals are automatically sent out once a year to every registered residence. No additional verification will be required to renew a permit.

What if we decide we do not like participating in the residential parking permit program?
All participants must agree to a two (2) year period of installation. After the two (2) years, a petition must be circulated with 60% supporting the removal of the parking permit program. If this requirement is met, the Traffic Engineering Department will remove all RPP signs.

Can my neighbors park in front of my home?
No. This restriction will not override the existing ordinance in section 16-233 of the city codes restricting persons from habitually parking adjacent to residential property owned by another.

Application Process
A citizen requests a petition from the Traffic Engineering Department. 60% of residents on one side of a low-density residential street sign the petition in support of the Residential Parking Only Program and an engineering study is completed determining the necessity of such a program. The petition is returned to the Traffic Engineering Department along with the required $50.00 application fee and the cost of the signs. Traffic engineering staff will verify that all necessary criteria has been met. Citizens complete an application to verify residency and a parking permit is issued. Enforcement begins through the Lubbock Police Parking Patrol. Source: Lubbock City code of Ordinances; Code Sec. 16-236

Submit an On-Line Service Request

For more information about the Residential Parking Only Permit Program call the Traffic Engineering office at 775-2135.