Crisis Line: (806) 740-1414
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Administrative Offices, 904 Ave. O, Lubbock TX

Our vision is that people faced with the challenges of aging, mental illness, intellectual disability and chemical dependency shall be part of a community that is safe, accessible and supportive of individual needs and preferences.

What does STARCARE Specialty Health Systems do?
Established in 1967, Lubbock Regional MHMR Center has grown from a small service provider to an organization that develops, manages, and provides oversight for a system of many service providers, each one offering a valuable service to our consumers. It is our goal to offer people with mental illness, intellectual disability, chemical dependency and HIV the opportunity to successfully achieve the outcomes they desire. 


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PO Box 2828, Lubbock, TX 79408-2828    Telephone (806) 766-0310   Fax (806) 766-0250 
Copyright © 2012 STARCARE Specialty Health Systems