Texas Department of Insurance

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Homeowners Insurance

Texas Homeowners Policies | What Homeowners Policies Do and Don’t Cover | Policy Dollar LimitsCoverage for Your Personal Property | Other Residential Policies | Other Types of Insurance You Might Need | Shopping for Homeowners Insurance | Understanding Rates | Having Trouble Insuring Your Home? | Losing Your Insurance | Your Rights Against Unfair Discrimination | If You Have a ClaimFor More Information or Assistance | Glossary of Common Homeowners Insurance Terms

(October 2008)

Homeowners insurance protects you from financial losses caused by storms, fire, theft, and other events stated in your policy. It is important to know what’s in your policy. Make sure you read your policy carefully and understand your coverages.

It’s also important to know your rights. Texas has a Consumer Bill of Rights for homeowners and renters insurance. Your company must send you the Bill of Rights with your policy or renewal. Don’t wait until you have a claim to review your policy and to know your rights.

Texas Homeowners Policies   

You can buy a dwelling policy that covers only the structure of your house, but most homeowners buy a policy that combines five different coverages in a single policy:

  • Dwelling pays for damage or destruction to your house and any unattached structures and buildings, such as fences, detached garages, and storage sheds.
  • Personal property pays for theft, damage, or destruction of the contents of your house, including furniture, clothing, and appliances.
  • Liability protects you against financial loss if you are sued and found legally responsible for someone else’s injury or property damage. A homeowners policy automatically provides $25,000 in coverage. You can buy up to $1 million in coverage for an extra premium.
  • Medical payments pays medical bills for people hurt on your property. It also pays for some injuries that happen away from your home, such as your dog biting someone. A basic homeowners policy pays $500 in medical bills. You can pay extra and get up to $5,000 in medical payments coverage.
  • Loss of use pays your additional living expenses (temporary housing, food, and other essential expenses) if your home is too damaged to live in during repairs. Most policies pay 10 to 20 percent of the amount of your dwelling coverage.

Types of Policies

Insurance companies may sell several types of policies in Texas, each with a different level of coverage. Three of the policy forms sold in Texas – the HO-A, HO-B, and HO-C – are standardized. This means the policy language and coverages provided by these policies are the same, regardless of the company writing the policy. Although an HO-B policy written by one company will be exactly the same as an HO-B policy written by another company, the two companies may charge different rates.

Companies may offer alternative policy forms, if approved in advance by the state’s Commissioner of Insurance. These policies are not standardized and usually provide varying coverages. Read your policy carefully to know exactly what coverages are included.

Some companies may sell more than one policy form but may offer only one form to customers. If a company offers you a policy with less coverage than you’d like, ask if other policy forms are available. You may also be able to buy additional coverage by adding endorsements to your base policy.

Following is a brief description of the types of policies sold in Texas:

  • HO-A policies provide extremely limited actual cash value coverage of your home and its contents. Only the types of damage specifically listed in the policy are covered.
  • HO-A amended policies provide more extensive coverage than the base HO-A policy but less coverage than an HO-B. For instance, HO-A amended policies may include replacement cost coverage and coverage of damage from sudden and accidental" water discharges. Neither of these coverages is included in the base HO-A policy. Coverage provided by HO-A amended policies vary by company.
  • HO-B policies provide replacement cost coverage for most types of damage, except those specifically excluded in the policy. Generally, HO-B policies provide the most coverage for the price, but some companies do not offer the HO-B policy.
  • HO-C policies provide the most extensive coverage, but they are more expensive than other types of policies.
  • Approved alternative policies offer varying levels of coverage. Companies can sell alternative policies only if the policy form is approved in advance by the Commissioner of Insurance. Coverage may differ considerably from one company to another.

To compare coverages for policies approved for sale in Texas, visit the Office of Public Insurance Counsel (OPIC) website


What Homeowners Policies Do and Don’t Cover   

Most Policies Cover Losses Caused by Most Policies Do Not Cover Losses Caused by
Fire and lightning Flooding
Aircraft and vehicles Earthquakes
Vandalism and malicious mischief Termites
Theft Insects, rats, or mice
Explosion Freezing pipes while your house is unoccupied (unless you turned off the water or heated the building)
Riot and civil commotion Wind or hail damage to trees and shrubs
Smoke Losses if your house is vacant for 60 days or more
Windstorm, hurricane, and hail (unless you live on the Gulf Coast) Wear and tear or maintenance
Sudden and accidental water damage Water damage resulting from continuous and repeated seepage

Wind and hail coverage. Companies may exclude coverage for certain losses. For example, if you live on the Gulf Coast, you might receive an endorsement that excludes coverage for wind and hail damage. In areas with a history of hail storms, some companies provide only actual cash value coverage instead of full replacement cost for roofs. Actual cash value pays for damage minus depreciation on the roof, depending on its age and condition.

Mold coverage. Most policies will not cover mold remediation beyond the amount necessary to repair or replace property damage caused by a water loss otherwise covered by the policy. The HO-A policy doesn’t cover mold remediation or damage caused by water leaks, but some companies offer an endorsement that covers sudden and accidental water leaks. Some, but not all, of the other approved policies also cover sudden and accidental water leaks. Read your policy or ask your agent whether your policy covers water leaks and mold remediation.

Insurance companies are required to offer you mold remediation coverage. Depending on the company, this coverage will be offered in dollar or percentage increments up to 100 percent of your policy’s limits. If you have questions or concerns about how a mold claim is being handled, or if you need information about how to minimize mold losses, ask your insurance company for a set of guidelines regarding mold claims. Also read TDI’s Handling Water-Damage and Mold Claims publication.

Policy Dollar Limits   

If you insure your house for $100,000, that’s the most you will get if it’s destroyed, even if it would cost more to replace it. The Declarations Page at the front of your policy shows your policy’s dollar limits. Talk with your agent or company representative if you have any questions about your insurance limits. If a fire destroys your home, Texas law requires the insurance company to pay the full amount of the policy, even if this amount is more than the replacement cost.

Don't wait until you have a claim to learn your policy’s dollar limits.

Replacement Cost Coverage of Your House

The HO-B and HO-C policies provide replacement cost coverage for your house, up to your policy’s dollar limits. Replacement cost is what you would pay to rebuild or repair your home, based on current construction costs. Replacement cost is different from market value and does not include the value of your land. If you are not sure of the amount it would cost to rebuild your home, your company or agent usually has construction cost tables to help you determine the cost.

To receive full payment (minus your deductible) for a partial loss, such as a hail-damaged roof, you must insure your house for at least 80 percent of its replacement cost. If you insure your house for less than 80 percent of the full replacement cost, the insurance company will only pay a portion of a partial loss.

Unless you buy an endorsement increasing your coverage, HO-A policies only provide actual cash value coverage. Actual cash value is the replacement cost of your property minus depreciation. If your home is destroyed and you only have actual cash value coverage, you may not be able to completely rebuild.

If you have an HO-A amended policy or an approved alternative policy, read your policy carefully to know whether it offers replacement cost coverage or actual cash value coverage.

Maintain Adequate Coverage   

Buy enough coverage to avoid a major financial loss if your home is severely damaged or destroyed. This means keeping a realistic dollar amount of coverage on your house.

Coverage for Your Personal Property   

HO-B policies automatically cover household contents – furniture, clothes, appliances, etc. – up to 40 percent of the amount of your dwelling coverage. This means if your house is insured for $100,000, its contents are insured for up to $40,000. You can get more coverage by paying a higher premium.

Personal property coverage pays only the actual cash value of damaged, stolen, or destroyed household goods unless you buy replacement cost coverage. Actual cash value is an item’s replacement cost, minus depreciation.

Replacement cost coverage offers you more protection than actual cash value coverage. For example, if a burglar steals your six-year-old television set, and you only have actual cash value coverage, you get only what you would expect to pay for a six-year-old television set. With replacement cost coverage, the insurance company pays to replace your TV with a new set similar to the stolen one.

Companies generally want you to prove that you replaced an item before they’ll pay your claim in full. However, if you have an HO-B policy, the company must advance you the first $1,500, plus the depreciated value of any other damaged property, without requiring proof of replacement. After that, the company must pay you within five business days after receiving proof you replaced, restored, or repaired the property. A company can offer to replace the items instead of paying cash, but the choice is yours.

Take Inventory of Your Property

Many people learn after a fire or storm that they didn’t have enough personal property coverage. Making an inventory will help you decide how much insurance you need. It will also simplify claims.

Your inventory should list each item, its purchase date, value, and serial number. Photograph or videotape each room, including closets, open drawers, storage buildings, and garage. Keep the inventory and receipts for major items in a fireproof place or another location.

Homeowners insurance on certain personal items like jewelry and furs is limited. You may be able to buy more coverage for an extra premium.

Other Residential Policies   

  • Renters insurance: A landlord’s insurance does not cover a renter’s personal property. Renters insurance covers your belongings, provides liability protection, and pays additional living expenses if a fire or other event stated in your policy forces you to move temporarily from your rented home.
  • Condominium insurance: Condominium insurance matches the benefits of renters insurance, and also covers damage to improvements, additions, and alterations to the condominium unit.
  • Townhouse insurance: Townhouses may be insured by either an individual homeowners policy or an association master policy. If a townhouse is owner-occupied and the townhouse association does not have a master policy on the building, you can purchase a homeowners policy on your individual unit. If the association has a master policy, you should get a Texas tenant homeowners policy to insure your personal property.
  • Mobilowners insurance: Mobile homes without wheels and resting on blocks or a permanent foundation qualify for a homeowners policy. However, most mobile homes are insured by a mobilowners policy. A mobilowners policy is actually an auto policy that covers mobile homes used as residences. Mobilowners policies offer extremely limited coverage.
  • Farm and ranch insurance: Farm and ranch owners policies insure homes outside city limits on land used for farming and raising livestock. You can pay extra to get coverage for certain farm equipment and outbuildings.

Other Types of Insurance You Might Need   

Flood Insurance
Texas ranks near the top of the nation in weather-related property damage each year. A large portion of this damage is caused by flooding.
Homeowners policies do not cover flood damage. To protect yourself from losses caused by most flooding, you can purchase a separate flood insurance policy from the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Local insurance agents sell NFIP flood policies and can tell you about the program in your area. For more information, call NFIP


If a lender determines that a property is at a high risk of flooding (called being in a “special flood hazard area”), it will require you to purchase flood insurance. A special flood hazard area has a 1 percent chance of being flooded in any given year.

Hurricanes and Windstorm Insurance
The Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) is the state’s insurer of last resort for wind and hail coverage in the 14 coastal counties and parts of Harris County on Galveston Bay. TWIA provides wind and hail coverage when insurance companies exclude it from homeowners and other property policies sold to coastal residents. You can buy TWIA coverage through local insurance agents if you need it.

When a hurricane enters the Gulf of Mexico (80 degrees longitude and 20 degrees latitude), you can no longer change or purchase new windstorm coverage.

If you plan to build, add to, or renovate a home or other structure and want TWIA coverage, you or your builder should request an inspection by a TDI windstorm inspector or a Texas licensed professional engineer appointed by TDI. Your agent can tell you how to get an inspection. For more information about windstorm coverage, contact TWIA


Note: Use the Homeowners, Flood, and Windstorm Policies Comparison chart to see the differences between homeowners, flood, and wind and hail insurance.

Earthquake Insurance
If you are concerned about earthquakes, you can get coverage with a separate policy. The cost is relatively low because earthquakes are rare in Texas.

Extra Coverage (Endorsements)
You might want more coverage than your policy provides for certain items. For an extra premium, you may be able to buy endorsements that expand or increase the coverage on these items. Some of the most common endorsements expand or increase coverage for jewelry, fine arts, camera equipment, coin or stamp collections, computer equipment, and radio and television satellite dishes and antennas.

Personal Umbrella Liability Insurance
If you have assets to protect and want more liability coverage than a homeowners policy provides, you can buy a separate umbrella policy. Because policies vary, make sure the agent or company fully explains the coverage.

Shopping for Homeowners Insurance   

Rates vary widely among companies, so it pays to shop around. The following useful tips can help you find the best deal for your money:

  • Decide before shopping which coverages and coverage amounts you need.
  • Choose the highest deductible you can afford. Your deductible is the amount you must pay before the insurance company will pay. Higher deductibles will lower your premium, but remember that you’ll have to pay more out of your own pocket if you have a claim.
  • Ask several companies and agents for price quotes because rates vary. When comparing rates, make sure they are for the same coverages. You can view sample rate comparisons on our website www.helpinsure.com. You can also use the Shopping for Home Insurance Company/Policy Comparison Worksheet to help you gather information about companies and the policies they offer.
  • Ask your agent whether you qualify for discounts.
  • When getting a price quote or applying for insurance, answer questions truthfully. Wrong information could cause you to get an incorrect price quote or could lead to a denial or cancellation of coverage.
  • Consider factors other than price, including a company’s financial rating, complaint index, and license status. The financial rating indicates a company’s financial strength and stability, and the complaint index is an indication of its customer service record. Buy only from licensed companies and agents. It is against the law to sell insurance without a license in Texas.
  • Learn more about a company, including its licenses status, complaint history, and financial rating from an independent rating organization by  calling TDI’s Consumer Help Line or by visiting the TDI website

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Understanding Rates   

Texas law requires rates for insurance offered in Texas to be reasonable, adequate, not excessive to the risks for which they apply, and not unfairly discriminatory.

Residential property rates utilize a system called “file and use.” Under this system, companies file their rates with TDI, but they do not need prior approval to implement new rates. If TDI determines that a company’s rates are excessive, the company can be ordered to pay refunds to the policyholders it overcharged. Companies can appeal adverse rate decisions.

A company can only change your individual premium at your policy renewal time.

Factors that Affect Your Premium

Companies use a process called “underwriting” to decide whether to sell you a policy and what rate to charge you.  Each company must file its underwriting guidelines with TDI and update them each time they make a change. The criteria companies typically use to establish premiums include:

  • Age and condition of your home. Older homes and homes in poor condition are generally more expensive to insure. Companies may refuse to insure homes in poor condition, but they can’t deny coverage solely because of a home’s age or value.
  • Your home’s replacement cost. Since your policy will pay to rebuild your home if it is destroyed by a covered loss, premiums are more expensive for homes with a high replacement cost.
  • Construction materials used in your home. Homes built primarily of brick are less expensive to insure than frame homes.
  • Where you live. Premiums will likely be higher for homes in areas with a high frequency of storms, such as tornados or hailstorms, or with a high incidence of theft.
  • Availability of local fire protection. Homes with access to good fire protection services get better rates. If you live in an area with limited fire protection, your rates will be higher.
  • Your claims history. Companies will charge more if you’ve filed claims in the past. Before filing a claim, it’s a good idea to ask your agent or the company’s underwriting department how it will affect your premium at renewal time. For less expensive losses, it may be cheaper in the long run to pay for repairs yourself rather than file a claim. This is especially true for repairs that wouldn’t cost much more than the amount of your deductible.
  • Your credit score. Companies may consider your credit score when deciding whether to sell you a policy and what to charge you. However, a company cannot refuse to sell you a policy or cancel or nonrenew your policy solely on the basis of your credit. Companies that use credit scoring must file their models with TDI.


Discounts can help you save money on your insurance. Companies may offer premium discounts if you take steps to reduce the chances of a loss. Each company sets the amount of the discounts it offers to its policyholders. Some of the more common discounts are listed below:

  • Impact-resistant roofs
  • Noncombustible roofs
  • Burglar, fire, and smoke alarm systems
  • Automatic sprinkler systems
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Home security devices
  • Age of house (companies set own standards)
  • Premises in good condition (companies set own standards)
  • House insured to full replacement cost
  • Good claims experience for three consecutive years
  • Marking personal property with an identifying number (inspection required)
  • Other policies with same company or group
  • Senior citizens discount

Having Trouble Insuring Your Home?   

If you are having difficulty finding a homeowners policy, it may be helpful to take steps to reduce your chances of a loss. Here are some things you can do:

Remove Potential Risks
You can make your home more insurable by taking care of the things that insurance companies and agents interpret as signs of potential risk. Look around your home for problems that could cause damage or injury, such as a heavy tree limb hanging over your roof, loose porch railings, or cracks in your walkways.

Watch Out for Crime
Since theft is a common cause of homeowners claims, some insurers may not be willing to insure homes that seem vulnerable to crime. While you cannot stop crime by yourself, you can take a few steps to make yourself less vulnerable. These precautions could also lower your insurance premiums.

  • Call the crime prevention officers of your local police force. They can inspect your home and give you specific advice on protecting it.
  • Install dead bolts or other security devices on doors and windows.
  • Work with your neighbors to start a Neighborhood Watch Program. Your local police department has helpful information.
  • Install a burglar alarm that alerts the police or a security company.
  • Keep trees and shrubs trimmed, especially around windows and entryways. Overgrown shrubbery can provide hiding places for would-be burglars. Avoid parking cars on the street. Cars parked on the street are tempting targets for thieves and vandals and, like overgrown shrubs, can provide a handy hiding place.
  • Keep the area around your home well-lit.
  • Permanently mark personal property with an identifying number to aid in identification if stolen items are recovered.

Maintain Your House and Yard
Your home’s appearance is important when you’re looking for insurance. Since companies want to avoid losses from injuries or accidents, agents look for signs of poor maintenance. Agents might assume that a cluttered yard and faded paint suggest an unsafe home. The outside of your home will be inspected when you apply for insurance, often when you are not at home. Insurance companies have the right to cancel a policy within the first 60 days, and some may reject new customers because an inspection revealed a home in need of repair.

  • Fix any obvious signs of damage, such as rotting boards, sagging screens, or a loose front door.
  • Remove anything from your property that could easily cause an accident.
  • Replace a damaged or badly worn roof. Water stains on a ceiling tell an agent inspecting the inside of your home that you might have a future claim for water-damaged property.
  • Keep your yard clean and trim.
  • If your paint is peeling or faded, consider repainting.

Other Options for Insuring Your Home

Texans having trouble finding homeowners insurance from licensed companies may have other options for obtaining coverage. The following programs may be able to help:


Helpinsure.com is a free and secure service of TDI and the Office of Public Insurance Counsel to help Texans shop for homeowners, condo, renters, and automobile insurance. You can view sample rates for companies writing new homeowners insurance in your area, compare policy coverages, and view company “profiles” that show a company’s history, complaint index, and financial rating from an independent rating organization.  You can either contact companies yourself or complete a secure application that companies and agents can access to call you with a rate quote. The Helpinsure.com website also has a Learning Center with useful information about insurance. For more information or to sign up, visit the Helpinsure.com website or call the toll-free number


Texas FAIR Plan Association

The Texas FAIR Plan Association provides the standard Texas HO-A homeowners insurance policy form to qualified consumers. To be eligible for coverage, a consumer must have been denied insurance by at least two licensed insurance companies writing residential property insurance in Texas and may not have received a valid offer of comparable insurance from a company licensed in Texas. For more information, call TDI or contact the Texas FAIR Plan Association


Surplus Lines Carriers

If you’re still unable to find insurance, your last resort might be to obtain insurance from a surplus lines carrier. Surplus lines carriers are out-of-state companies not licensed in Texas, but legally eligible to sell insurance on risks that licensed companies won’t cover. Surplus lines carriers generally charge more than licensed companies and offer less coverage. Surplus lines carriers are not members of a guaranty association. This means that your claims might go unpaid if the surplus lines carrier becomes unable to pay its claims.

Before you buy from a surplus lines carrier, make sure there are no other options. Agents must make a “diligent effort” to find coverage with a licensed company before offering you a surplus lines policy. Ask which licensed companies turned you down, and why. Companies must justify rejections.

Losing Your Insurance   

Knowing your rights can help if you are rejected for homeowners insurance or lose your coverage. If you request it, a company must explain in writing its reason for declining, canceling, or not renewing your policy. Texas law prohibits companies from denying, canceling, or refusing to renew a policy solely on the basis of your credit. You may file a complaint with TDI if you believe a company improperly denied you insurance.


Many companies use the Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange (CLUE) to review an applicant’s claims history. CLUE lists the property insurance claims history of houses – regardless of ownership – and individuals for the preceding three years.

Federal law gives you the right to challenge wrong information. If an insurance company based part of its decision to deny you coverage on a CLUE report, you can get a free copy of the report by calling the ChoicePoint Consumer Center or visiting its website


Before calling, get the CLUE reference number from the company’s denial letter or from the company. Using the reference number will speed the process by making sure you are requesting the right report.
CLUE is a registered trademark of Equifax Inc.

Cancellation and Nonrenewal

Cancellation means either you or the insurance company stops coverage before your policy’s normal expiration date.  If either you or the company cancels your policy, the company must refund any premiums paid in advance that did not buy coverage. This amount is called the “unearned premium.” For example, if you paid an annual premium of $600 and you cancel your policy after one month, the company owes you $550 in unearned premium.

A company must give you 10 days notice before it cancels your policy. A company may cancel your policy within the first 60 days only if it identifies an undisclosed additional risk of loss that is not the subject of a prior claim. If a company cancels your policy in the first 60 days, it must give you 30 days notice.

A company may not cancel your policy after 60 days, except for fraud, increased risk, or nonpayment of premium.

Nonrenewal means a company refuses to renew your policy when it expires. A company must give you written notice at least 30 days before your policy’s expiration date. If the company does not notify you in writing in the required time, it must renew the policy at your request.

A company may nonrenew your policy for deterioration of your property or if you file three or more nonweather-related claims in three years.

A company may not nonrenew your policy for weather-related claims or for claims that were not paid or not payable under your policy.


  • If the company fails to notify you after a second nonweather-related claim, it cannot refuse to renew your policy because of a third claim.
  • A company cannot use the first two appliance-related claims to determine the number of nonweather-related claims for the purposes of nonrenewing your policy.
  • Instead of nonrenewal, the company can charge an added premium called a surcharge. A company can add a surcharge for filing two or more nonweather-related claims in the previous policy year.
  • A company may require you to make repairs to your home before renewing your policy. Generally, companies will give you six months to a year to make repairs. If the repairs are needed because of a storm or other covered loss, the company must pay for the work (minus your deductible). If the repairs are required because of deterioration or normal wear and tear – a worn-out roof, for instance – you are responsible for paying for them yourself.

Keep in mind that if you move out of your house and it remains vacant for 60 days or longer, most policies automatically suspend coverage for damages. The policy’s liability coverages will continue, however. The vacancy also could cause the company to refuse to renew the policy when it expires.

Your Rights Against Unfair Discrimination   

An insurance company cannot deny, refuse to renew, limit, or charge more for coverage because of your race, color, religion, or national origin.

A company also cannot deny, refuse to renew, limit, or charge more for coverage because of your age, gender, marital status, geographic location, disability or partial disability, unless the refusal, limitation, or higher rate is “based on sound underwriting or actuarial principles.” Sound underwriting or actuarial principles means the company would have to show valid statistical evidence that your home presents a greater risk for a loss than other homes it is willing to insure.

A company cannot unfairly discriminate between individuals of the same rate class and with essentially the same risk in its rates, policy terms, and benefits, or in any other manner unless the refusal, limitation, or higher rate is “based on sound actuarial principles.

In addition, a company cannot refuse to insure a home based solely on its age or low value. Companies can offer discounts for newer homes and require updates to the wiring, plumbing, and heating systems before agreeing to insure an older home.

If You Have a Claim   

The company must start investigating your claim within 15 days after receiving written notice. However, the company may ask you for more information. Once you send the information, the company has 15 business days to accept or reject your claim. If the company agrees to pay, it must do so within five business days. If the company rejects your claim, it must explain its reasons in writing.


  • A company that needs more time can take 45 days to make a decision if it sends you a notice explaining the delay.
  • A company that suspects arson has 30 days after receiving the required paperwork to either accept or reject a claim.
  • TDI can give companies an extra 15 days after a major natural disaster.
  • Surplus lines carriers have 20 days to pay your claim after agreeing to do so.

A company that takes too long to pay is liable for your reasonable attorney fees plus damages equal to 18 percent of your claim if you sue and win. In an insurance claim lawsuit, the insurance company has the burden of proving it was not obligated to pay.

If you are financing your home, your insurance company may require your lender to sign or approve your claim check. When this happens, the lender must act within 10 business days after receiving the request. Failure to act within this time period could result in a $500 civil penalty. Complaints about lenders failing to process claim payments should be directed to the Texas Attorney General’s Office


Claim Tips

To make the claim process run smoothly and to protect your rights, follow these steps:

  • Know your coverage. Your policy’s dollar limits and benefits appear on your policy’s declarations page. If you need help, ask your agent or company representative.
  • If you have a loss, notify your agent or insurance company immediately. Also report losses involving theft or crime to the police.
  • Make a list of your damaged property. If possible, photograph or videotape the damage before making any repairs.
  • Make only temporary repairs to protect your house and belongings. The insurance company may deny your claim if you make permanent repairs before it inspects the damage. If you are not sure whether a repair is considered permanent, contact the insurance company before beginning repairs. The cost of these repairs and for storing personal belongings is covered by your policy. It is important to make only temporary repairs.
  • Keep receipts. For personal property claims, you must provide evidence that you bought the replacement items. If you bought materials for temporary repairs, receipts will help you get reimbursed quickly.
  • Try to be there when the insurance company’s adjuster inspects your home. You may have your contractor or builder with you. Your contractor or builder may discuss estimates or technical specifications with the adjuster or your insurance company.
  • If you have to move because of a disaster, make sure your address is visible. Leave a sign with your temporary address, phone number, and the name of your insurance company.

Claim Process

Proof of loss. Within 15 days after you report your loss, the company may request a signed, notarized proof-of-loss form. In most cases, the company will ask you to estimate the replacement cost of the household items you lost and the cost of repairing your home. Contractors, catalogs, and retailers are good sources of current price information.

  • Include sales tax in your cost estimates.
  • Ask whether you should use exact costs, or if you can round numbers to the nearest dollar.
  • Don’t forget to include small items such as kitchen utensils or clothing accessories.
  • The company will use the form to decide the value of your claim, so make your list as complete and as detailed as possible. Include photos and receipts. Be sure to keep copies for your records.

Final estimate. The adjuster will prepare an estimate of the cost to repair or replace your home and any personal belongings. The insurance company’s offer is based on this estimate.

Disputes. If you disagree with the adjuster’s estimate, tell the company why. The company may have overlooked something and may make adjustments. If you still disagree, you can use a process called appraisal.

The appraisal process governs only disputes over the amount to be paid. It is not for settling disputes about coverage or the cause of a loss.

You and the company each hire an appraiser. The two appraisers then choose a third one as umpire. Your appraiser and the company’s appraiser make their own estimates of your loss. If they differ, the umpire makes the final decision, which is binding on both you and the company. You are responsible for the expenses of your appraiser and for half of the umpire’s expenses.

Public insurance adjusters. Public insurance adjusters charge fees to help negotiate claim settlements with insurance companies. If you hire a public adjuster, you may have less money to repair or replace your property.

The public adjuster’s fee may be a flat fee, an hourly rate, or a percentage of the amount paid in the settlement of the claim. The method for calculating the commission must be included in the public adjuster’s contract with you, along with a statement that the adjuster’s commission may not exceed 10 percent of the entire claim. In some instances, a public adjuster is entitled only to reasonable compensation for time and expenses.

Public adjusters may not give legal advice and may not participate, either directly or indirectly, in the reconstruction or repair of your damaged property. They are also prohibited from engaging in any activity that would be a conflict of interest. Should you choose to hire a public adjuster, make sure the public adjuster is licensed by TDI. To learn whether a public adjuster is licensed, call TDI’s Consumer Help Line or use the “Insurer Search” feature on TDI’s website.

Payment. Once the company agrees to pay all or part of your claim, it must do so within five business days. If you don’t get your check within five days, contact your agent or company. If you believe that the company is delaying payment intentionally, contact TDI for help.

Note: Most companies pay homeowners claims with two checks. The first, issued after the adjuster reviews your loss, is for the estimated cost of repairs, minus depreciation and your deductible. The company will issue the second check for the balance of your claim after it receives the contractor’s bill for the finished job, as long as the repairs or replacements are completed within 365 days of the date of loss. You may submit a written request for an additional 180 days extension.

Getting Help from TDI

Companies are subject to penalties if they fail to settle claims promptly and fairly. If you believe an insurance company has treated you unfairly, first contact your company and try to resolve the problem. Most companies operating in Texas are required to have a toll-free telephone line to provide customer assistance. The number should be listed in your policy. If you are unable to resolve the problem yourself, contact TDI to file a complaint.

You may file an insurance-related complaint with TDI several ways:

For More Information or Assistance   

For answers to general insurance questions or for information on filing an insurance-related complaint, call the Consumer Help Line between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Central time, Monday-Friday, or visit our website

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For printed copies of consumer publications, call the 24-hour Publications Order Line

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To report suspected arson or suspicious activity involving fires, call the State Fire Marshal’s 24-hour Arson Hot Line

1-877-4FIRE45 (434-7345)

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