Law Clerk Program

The Law Clerk Program strives to introduce qualified first-year and second-year law students from around the country to the rewarding and diverse legal work of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of Texas. Law students are eligible to apply for a law clerk position after completing at least one semester of law school. OAG law clerks are selected through our mail application process (explained at the bottom of this section) or through on-campus interviews (OCI) at Texas Law Schools during the Fall semester.

Our Law Clerk Program offers both paid and unpaid law clerk positions. Many law schools offer fellowships or stipends to their students who work for government entities during the summer. Check with your law school's career services office for details regarding stipends, hiring criteria, resume drop deadlines, etc. Law clerks work under the direct supervision of an Assistant Attorney General. Paid clerkships are for six weeks. Paid law clerks wishing to stay longer than their six weeks may change to unpaid status, after their first six weeks are completed. Clerks must have approval from the Legal Education and Recruitment Coordinator to do this before they begin their clerkship. Unpaid clerks should commit to at least six weeks, but may stay on for a longer period with the same requirement to get approval before beginning their clerkship.

Important Dates for On Campus Interviews (OCI) at Texas law schools and the Sunbelt Minority Job Fair

Check with your law school’s career services for the dates the OAG will be at OCI.

Important Dates for all Applications MAILED to the OAG

August 1, 2009 - first date 2L mail-in applicants may apply
Oct 15, 2009 - last date for 2L mail-in applicants may apply
November 1, 2009 (on or around this date) - offers sent to 2L mail-in applicants and Fall OCI applicants
December 15, 2009 - decisions due by 2Ls
December 1, 2009 - first date 1L mail-in applicants can apply
January 31, 2010 - last date 1Ls and 2Ls mail-in applicants can apply
February 15, 2010 (on or around this date) - offers sent to candidates
March 1, 2010 - decisions due

Along with your completed Law Clerk Application, send a copy of your resume, a short writing sample, and a copy of your latest transcript to the address listed below.

If you have any questions about our law clerk program, please email – Loretta Aranda.

Printable (PDF) Law Clerk Application
Summer Law Clerk Program Brochure

Send your completed application, resume, writing sample and transcript to:

Loretta Aranda
Office of the Attorney General
Legal Education and Recruitment Coordinator
Post Office Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711
(512) 936-1829

Revised: August 07 2009