Monday, May 11, 2009

8:00 a.m.

Capitol Extension, Room E1.016






Pursuant to a notice posted in accordance with Senate Rule 11.18, a public hearing of the Senate Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security was held on Monday, May 11, 2009, in the Capitol Extension, Room E1.016, at Austin, Texas.







Senator John Carona

Senator Kirk Watson

Senator Wendy Davis

Senator Joan Huffman

Senator Robert Nichols

Senator Florence Shapiro

Senator Eliot Shapleigh

Senator Jeff Wentworth

Senator Rodney Ellis






The chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m.� There being a quorum present, the following business was transacted:�


The chair laid out HB 1272 and recognized the Senate Sponsor, Senator Estes, to explain the bill.


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. There being no witnesses, the chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 2201 and recognized Senator Watson, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. There being no witnesses, the chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 3800 and recognized Senator Watson, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. There being no witnesses, the chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair moved that the public testimony on HB 1272 be reopened; without objection, it was so ordered.� The witness testifying on the bill is shown on the attached list.� The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 2314 and recognized Senator Nichols, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. The witness registering on the bill is shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 2918 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Nichols, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. The witness registering on the bill is shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 471 and recognized Senator Watson, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. There being no witnesses, the chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 1983 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Davis, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 2530 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Davis, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. The witness registering on the bill is shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 4311 and recognized Senator Davis, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill.�


Senator Davis sent up Committee Amendment 1.� The chair recognized Senator Davis to explain the amendment.


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. There being no witnesses, the chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 2640 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Watson, to explain the bill.�


Senator Watson sent up Committee Amendment 1. The chair recognized Senator Watson to explain the amendment.


Senator Nichols sent up Committee Amendment 2. The chair recognized Senator Nichols to explain the amendment.


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HCR 174 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Seliger, to explain the bill.�


Senator Huffman sent up a committee substitute; the chair recognized Senator Seliger to explain the difference between the committee substitute and the house bill as engrossed.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. There being no witnesses, the chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 2186 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Huffman, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses testifying on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 3517 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Huffman, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 3692 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Huffman, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. There being no witnesses, the chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 2219 and recognized Senator Huffman, in the absence of the Senate sponsor, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair moved that the public testimony on HB 1983 be reopened; without objection, it was so ordered.� The chair then announced a correction to a witness card that had been filled out incorrectly.� The chair then moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


At 8:47 a.m. Senator Watson assumed the chair.�


The chair laid out HB 2187 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Carona, to explain the bill.�


Senator Carona sent up Committee Amendment 1 and moved adoption; without objection, the amendment was adopted.� Senator Carona requested unanimous consent to roll the amendment into a committee substitute; without objection, it was so ordered.� Senator Carona then moved that the committee substitute be adopted; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out and HB 1634 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Carona, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�

The chair announced that the bill would be left pending


The chair laid out HB 2985 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Carona, to explain the bill.


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. The witness registering on the bill is shown on the attached list.� The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out HB 3097 and recognized the Senate sponsor, Senator Carona, to explain the bill.�


The chair opened public testimony on the bill. Witnesses testifying and registering on the bill are shown on the attached list. The chair moved that the public testimony be closed; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair announced that the bill would be left pending.


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2187.�


Senator Carona moved that HB 2187 do not pass but that CSHB 2187 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.


Senator Carona moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2985.


Senator Carona moved that HB 2985 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 1 absent.�


Senator Carona moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


At 9:03 a.m. Senator Carona resumed the chair.


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2219.��


Senator Huffman moved that HB 2219 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.�


Senator Huffman moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2314.��


Senator Huffman moved that HB 2314 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.�


Senator Huffman moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 1272.��


Senator Watson moved that HB 1272 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.�


Senator Watson moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 471.��


Senator Watson moved that HB 471 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 1 absent.�


Senator Watson moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HCR 174.�


Senator Nichols moved adoption of the committee substitute that was previously sent up; without objection, it was so ordered.�


Senator Nichols moved that HCR 174 do not pass but that CSHCR 174 be reported favorably to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nays, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.


Senator Nichols moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2201.��


Senator Nichols moved that HB 2201 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.

Senator Nichols moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 3800.��


Senator Huffman moved that HB 3800 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 1 absent.�


Senator Huffman moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2918.��


Senator Nichols moved that HB 2918 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 1 absent.�


Senator Nichols moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 1983.��


Senator Davis moved that HB 1983 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.�


Senator Davis moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2530.��


Senator Davis moved that HB 2530 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.�


Senator Huffman moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 2186.��


Senator Huffman moved that HB 2186 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 8 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 1 absent.�


Senator Huffman moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 3517.��


Senator Huffman moved that HB 3517 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.�


Senator Huffman moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business HB 3692.��


Senator Huffman moved that HB 3692 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 9 ayes, 0 nay, 0 present not voting, and 0 absent.�


Senator Huffman moved that the bill be recommended for placement on the Local & Uncontested Calendar; without objection, it was so ordered.�


At 9:10 a.m. Senator Watson assumed the chair.�


The chair laid out as a matter of pending business SJR 55.��


Senator Carona moved that SJR 55 be reported back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do pass and be printed.� The motion carried with a record vote of 5 ayes, 2 nays, 0 present not voting, and 2 absent.


At 9:12 a.m. Senator Carona resumed the chair.


The chair moved to adopt the motions in writing of Senators Ellis, Shapiro, and Wentworth; without objection, it was so ordered.


There being no further business, at 9:14 a.m. Senator Watson moved that the Committee stand recessed subject to the call of the chair.� Without objection, it was so ordered.�







Senator John Carona, Chair




Kelsey Erickson, Clerk