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The Mockingbirds

Marti Mockingbird
Marti Mockingbird

Have you ever seen a mockingbird? We are medium size birds (about 10 inches) with gray on our backs and whitish on our stomachs. We have white wing patches and outer tail feathers. We usually weigh around 1-3/4 ounces unless we go to our grandma's and eat too much.

We are very protective of our home and the area around our home. If something gets too close that we are scared of, we'll swoop down on it.

We are very proud that we are the state bird of Texas. We live in all parts of Texas from the desert to forest to city.

We love to sing. We love to imitate other birds or sounds around us. You may even hear us whistling or sounding like a dog! Would you like to hear us sing?

Wave File Mockingbird Song (.wav file - 173KB)

Wave File Mockingbird Call (.wav file - 30K)

Molly Mockingbird
Molly Mockingbird


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