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Interconnection Rules - Chapter 21
Interconnection Agreements for Telecommunications Service Providers

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Rule Description/Explanatory Information Download Effective
ch21toc * Table of Contents ch21toc.doc 08/09/04
Subchapter A General Provisions and Definitions
§21.1 * Purpose and Scope 21.1.doc 03/01/04
§21.3 * Definitions 21.3.doc 03/01/04
§21.5 * Representative Appearances 21.5.doc 03/01/04
§21.7 * Standards of Conduct 21.7.doc 03/01/04
§21.9 * Computation of Time 21.9.doc 03/01/04
§21.11 * Suspension of Rules and Good Cause Exceptions 21.11.doc 03/01/04
Subchapter B Pleadings, Documents, and Other Materials
§21.31 * Filing of Pleadings, Documents and Other Materials 21.31.doc 08/09/04
§21.33 * Formal Requisites of Pleadings and Documents to be filed with the Commission 21.33.doc 03/01/04
§21.35 * Service of Pleadings and Documents 21.35.doc 03/01/04
§21.37 * Examination and Correction of Pleadings and Documents 21.37.doc 03/01/04
§21.39 * Amended Pleadings 21.39.doc 03/01/04
§21.41 * Motions 21.41.doc 03/01/04
Subchapter C Preliminary Issues, Orders, and Proceedings
§21.61 * Threshold Issues and Certification of Issues to the Commission 21.61.doc 03/01/04
§21.63 * Interim Issues and Orders 21.63.doc 03/01/04
§21.65 * Interlocutory Appeals 21.65.doc 03/01/04
§21.67 * Dismissal of a Proceeding 21.67.doc 03/01/04
§21.69 * Summary Decisions 21.69.doc 03/01/04
§21.71 * Sanctions 21.71.doc 03/01/04
§21.73 * Consolidation of Dockets, Consolidation of Issues, and Joint Filings 21.73.doc 03/01/04
§21.75 * Motions for Clarification and Motions for Reconsideration 21.75.doc 03/01/04
§21.77 * Confidential Material 21.77.doc 03/01/04
Subchapter D Dispute Resolution
§21.91 * Mediation 21.91.doc 03/01/04
§21.93 * Voluntary Alternative Dispute Resolution 21.93.doc 03/01/04
§21.95 * Compulsory Arbitration 21.95.doc 03/01/04
§21.97 * Approval of Negotiated Agreements 21.97.doc 03/01/04
§21.99 * Approval of Arbitrated Agreements 21.99.doc 03/01/04
§21.101 * Approval of Amendments to Existing Interconnection Agreements 21.101.doc 03/01/04
§21.103 * Approval of Agreements Adopting Terms and Conditions Pursuant to Federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 (FTA) ยง252(i) 21.103.doc 03/01/04
Subchapter E Post-Interconnection Agreement Dispute Resolution
§21.121 * Purpose 21.121.doc 03/01/04
§21.123 * Informal Settlement Conference 21.123.doc 03/01/04
§21.125 * Formal Dispute Resolution Proceeding 21.125.doc 03/01/04
§21.127 * Request for Expedited Ruling 21.127.doc 03/01/04
§21.129 * Request for Interim Ruling Pending Dispute Resolution 21.129.doc 03/01/04

Last Updated: 11/12/04

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