Criminal Prosecution

Attorney General prosecutors are experienced trial attorneys with a strong track record in both state and federal court. This agency is expert in prosecuting major violent crimes such as capital murder, as well as child pornography and other Internet crimes involving children, mortgage fraud, election fraud, public corruption, and Medicaid fraud.

The Attorney General's prosecutors have achieved a guilty plea in the 24-year-old KFC murder case along with more than 70 convictions on child pornography charges. The OAG also prosecuted the Ercot insider contract-fraud crime ring.

Under Texas law, the county or district attorney has primary jurisdiction to prosecute most criminal offenses. The Office of the Attorney General assists local prosecutors at their request. The law also authorizes this agency to proffer assistance to local prosecutors. Most OAG prosecutions are undertaken on referrals.

Chapter 1, section 1.09, of the Penal Code provides that, “with the consent of the appropriate local county or district attorney, the Attorney General has concurrent jurisdiction with that consenting local prosecutor” to prosecute certain offenses, including:

  • Misuse of state property or funds
  • Abuse of office
  • Offenses against juvenile offenders in state correctional facilities

Prosecutors and other law enforcement officials may direct their requests for investigatory and/or prosecutorial assistance to:

Don Clemmer
Chief, Criminal Prosecutions
Office of the Attorney General
P O Box 12548
Austin, TX 78711-2548
Phone: (512) 475-4220
Fax: (512) 474-4570

Revised: February 26 2008