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Telecommunications Reports

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Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Deployment of Utility Infrastructure Upgrades and Storm Hardening Programs (pdf *)
March 2009
Scope of Competition in Telecommunications Market Reports
Report to the 81st Texas Legislature - January 2009
Review and Evaluation of the Texas Universal Service Fund
Report to the 80th Texas Legislature - January 2007
Evaluation of Telecommunications Carriers' Reports to the PUCT
Report to the 80th Legislature - September 30, 2006
Effects of PURA Chapter 58 And Chapter 59 Telecommunications Incentive Regulation (pdf *)
Report to the 79th Texas Legislature - January 2005
Advanced Services Availability in Rural and High Cost Areas.
Report to the 77th Texas Legislature (pdf *)
Cable/Broadband Regulation (pdf *)
A Chart regarding potential regulatory authority regarding cable/broadband requested by the House State Affairs Committee and provided by Chairman Pat Wood, III, during the May 2, 2000 committee meeting at the State Capitol.
Historical Interest Rates on Customer Deposits and Over/Underbillings (pdf *)
The Commission annually sets interest rates on customer deposits and over- and underbillings. Substantive Rules 26.24(a)(7)&(b)(3) contain the provisions relating to the payment of interest on customer deposits, and Substantive Rules 26.27(a)(3)(B)&(C) and 26.27(b)(3)(A)&(B) contain the provisions relating to the payment of interest on over/underbillings. The Commission resets the interest rates on December 1 of each year.
ILEC Regulatory Designations ILECRegDes.doc
Intrastate Switched Access Charges (pdf *)
Report to the 77th Texas Legislature - Appendix included with PDF version.
Texas Universal Service Fund Information
Wireless Tower Siting (pdf *)
Fact sheet regarding Wireless Tower Siting requested by the House State Affairs Committee and provided by Chairman Pat Wood, III, during the May 10, 2000 committee meeting at the State Capitol.

Last Updated: 03/03/09

* PDF files require the use of the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Down load a free copy here.