General Information

Links to cancer information and resources provided by the Texas Cancer Council (TCC), CHIP Enrollment Fee Payment, the Department of Aging and Disability Services, the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services, disaster assistance grants, the Texas Information and Referral Network, immigration and refugee services, iSafetyNet.US, the Department of Health and Human Services, the State of Texas Assistance and Referral System (STARS), the Texas Cancer Registry, the Department of State Health Services, the Texas Department of Insurance, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, Family Violence Shelters, the Texas Health Care Information Collection, information on veteran services maintained by the Texas Veterans Land Board, and toll-free numbers.


  • Cancer Information and Resources

    The Texas Cancer Council (TCC) is responsible for: developing cancer prevention and control initiatives; policies and services; encouraging collaboration and planning among public, private and volunteer organizations in cancer control; and developing and implementing the Texas Cancer Plan.

  • CHIP Enrollment Fee Payment

    For your convenience, use this system to pay your CHIP enrollment fee online with your credit card.

  • Disaster Assistance Grants

    Find conditions and eligibility information on qualifying for disaster assistance grants.

  • Electronic Grant Search

    As of April 1, 2007, the State of Texas is proud to present the eGrants website. Using the eGrants website, you can search for and view the details of competitive funding announcements available through dozens of Texas state agencies.

  • How to Find Assistance in Texas

    This site is a compilation of information on health and human service agency programs in Texas. The Texas Information and Referral Network has been designated by the Texas Legislature as the Texas Health and Human Services Commission program responsible for the development, coordination, and implementation of a statewide information and referral network.

  • Immigration and Refugee Services

    Find a program description, contractor information, and other links off the Office of Immigration and Refugee Affairs site.

  • iSafetyNet.US

    A national health and human services directory for locating and accessing public and private benefits, advocacy websites, resource databases and assistance programs online.

  • Search for Programs and Services

    Search the information of more than 215 health and human service state agency programs.

  • State of Texas Assistance and Referral System (STARS)

    The State of Texas Assistance and Referral System (STARS) allows people to self-screen for potential eligibility for programs provided by the Texas Department of Human Services and other Texas state agencies.

  • Texas Cancer Registry

    The Texas Cancer Registry (TCR) is a population-based registry whose goal is to collect timely, complete and accurate data on all cancer cases diagnosed in the state.

  • Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services

    Find information on mental health, state school programs, community care, nursing facility, and long-term care regulatory services, and aging services and programs.

  • Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services

    Find information on assistive and rehabilitative services such as disability determination, blind, deaf and hard of hearing, rehabiliation, and early childhood intervention services.

  • Texas Department of Insurance Consumer Help

    Learn about insurance and obtaining the best value for your insurance dollar.

  • Texas Department of Family and Regulatory Services

    This site contains information on child and adult abuse prevention, facts, services, and links to other prevention resources.

  • Texas Department of State Health Services

    On this site, find links about Department of State Health Services, how to get help, services provided, projects, and more…

  • Texas Family Violence Shelters

    A listing of facilities by city with phone numbers.

  • Texas Health Care Information Collection

    Texas Health Care Information Collection's primary purpose is to provide data that will enable Texas consumers and health plan purchasers to make informed health care decisions. The Collection's charge is to collect data and report on the quality performance of health maintenance organizations operating in Texas and hospitals. The goal is to provide information that will enable consumers to have an impact on the cost and quality of health care in Texas. This program, now a part of the Texas Department of State Health Services, was formerly known as the Texas Health Care Information Council.

  • Texas Health and Human Services Commission

    Find information on certain health and human services programs including the Texas Medicaid Program, Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Medicaid waste, fraud, and abuse investigations.

  • Texas Veteran Services

    Maintained by the Texas Veterans Land Board, find information about services for our veterans.

  • Toll-free Numbers

    Find 1-800 numbers and links for Texas State Agencies.