Nov. 3, 2009 Constitutional Amendment Election: Last Day to Register to Vote is Oct. 5th | Am I Registered? | Voter Information | What's on the Ballot.

Welcome to SOSDirect

Attention: The Office of the Secretary of State is completing a project to redact the social security numbers of living persons from the documents filed in this office.  As you know, UCC financing statements are public records and the information on those statements is readily available to all requesting parties including the availability of filed documents on SOSDirect.  Please join us in protecting your client’s privacy by refraining from including client social security numbers in UCC filings.  In addition to the privacy concerns, redaction is costly and may result in delays in processing your documents.  Thank you for your cooperation.

The Secretary of State OnLine Access (SOSDirect) web access system provides subscribers with up-to-date, on-line computer access to a variety of information maintained by the Office of the Secretary of State.

SOSDirect provides the following:

All of these features are available 24/7.
Furthermore, we now offer a new low price of only $1.00 per search.

For more information about SOSDirect please call or contact the following:
Corporations: (512) 475-2755 or e-mail
Reports Unit (annual statements and periodic reports): (512) 475-2705 or e-mail
UCC: Sondra Hadley at (512) 475-2740 or e-mail
Refunds: Notice regarding refunds

To establish an account, please click on the icon below. The fees associated with the SOSDirect account are the fees for documents filed, for copies and certificates ordered, and inquiries submitted. There are no monthly subscription fees.

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