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All That Time, Breena Buettner

Two key responsibilities of the Texas Education Agency are assessing public school students on what they have learned and determining district and school accountability ratings. TEA provides an array of reports based on the results of student testing and other assessments. Another key function of the agency involves testing and certifying educators to make sure they are prepared to deliver high quality education to the state’s schoolchildren


August 27, 2009

Texas students show strong gains on AP exams

Texas students continued their push for excellence by posting an increasing number of scores of three, four and five on national Advanced Placement tests.

August 25, 2009

SAT scores show mixed results

SAT results today show increased scores on the mathematics exam for public and private school students in Texas, while the mean math score nationally remained unchanged.

August 18, 2009

ACT scores hit all-time high level in Texas

The Texas ACT composite score reached an all-time high in 2009 as did the number of students tested.

August 6, 2009

Eighty percent of Texas schools and districts meet AYP

Eighty percent of Texas schools and districts met Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) standards required by the annual federal evaluation system. The ratings are available at the 2009 Adequate Yearly Progress website.

July 31, 2009

Number of Exemplary and Academically Unacceptable districts and campuses grows

Increasing passing rates on state tests and a new growth measure contributed to substantial increases in the number of Exemplary schools and districts in the state’s accountability system this year. High school completion rates and science test results caused the number of Academically Unacceptable districts and schools to increase as well. The 2009 ratings are now available, as is an audio file from Commissioner Robert Scott's July 31 press conference.

July 14, 2009

Black-white achievement gap narrows on math NAEP

A national study released today found that Texas was one of four states that narrowed the achievement gap between African-American and white students in eighth-grade mathematics performance between 1990 and 2007.