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Electric Projects Rulemaking Projects
Closed Projects
Project # Description/View
37189 Project to Improve Customer Information on Distributed Generation
36967 Project to Designate Retail Electric Providers (REPs) To Serve As Providers of Last Resort (POLR)
36774 Project to Track Stimulus Bill Efforts for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
37052 Project to Develop Critical Performance Metrics and Criteria for the ERCOT Nodal Market
36234 Oncor Electric Delivery AMS Low Income Program
34610 Implementation Project Relating to Advanced Metering
33687 Entergy Transition to Competition
33487 Amendments to Energy Efficiency Rules and Templates
32854 Consideration of Electric Ratemaking Standards under the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act
32853 Evaluation of Demand-Response Programs in the Competitive Electric Market
30170 Measurement and Verification of Energy Efficiency Programs
29760 Compliance Findings Relating to Disconnection of Electric Service Pursuant to PUC Subst. R. 25.483(b)(2)(C)
28500 Activities Related to Wholesale Market Design Issues in ERCOT
28073 Setting the System Benefit Fund Fee and Low-Income Discount
26055 Demand-side Resources and Price Responsiveness
24116 Implementation of System Benefit Fund

Last Updated: 08/17/09