
Links to federal government information including federal grants, USA.gov, The National Strategy For Homeland Security: Office of Homeland Security, Ready.gov, a listing of US House of Representatives officials, the two Senators representing Texas in the US Senate, and news from the White House.


  • Electronic Grant Search

    As of April 1, 2007, the State of Texas is proud to present the eGrants website. Using the eGrants website, you can search for and view the details of competitive funding announcements available through dozens of Texas state agencies.

  • Federal Grants

    Allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive Grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies.

  • Ready.gov

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security website dedicated to educating the public, on a continuing basis, about how to be prepared in case of a national emergency - including a possible terrorist attack.

  • The National Strategy For Homeland Security: Office of Homeland Security

    Obtain a PDF version of The National Strategy for Homeland Security. In addition, read about policies in focus, news, appointments and major speeches as they relate to homeland security.

  • The White House

    News from the White House including speeches, policies, press briefings, radio address, and much more...

  • US House of Representatives

    A listing of all officials who represent a district of the state of Texas in the U.S. House of Representatives.

  • US Senate

    Contact information and links to the official webpages of the two Senators who represent the state of Texas in the U.S. Senate.

  • USA.gov

    A compilation of federal resources including contact information, reference materials, online services, and more...