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Ed Tech Pilots
Biology Pilot
Math Pilot
Social Studies Pilot
TPRI Pilot
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-> Ed Tech Pilots

2003 Interim Report on Ed Tech PILOTS" to the 78th Texas Legislature released! 1.26MB PDF

General Information on the Ed Tech PILOTS

Technology is playing an increasing role in how we live, work, play and educate. As technologies become more prevalent in our school system, it is critical to continually explore and evaluate their effectiveness. Texas has a well established history of technology pilot programs and demonstration projects. Through this exploratory process, many statewide programs have been initiated, expanded and evaluated. The current Educational Technologies Providing Increased Learning Opportunities for Texas Students (Ed Tech PILOTS) program provides the Agency with an avenue to continue this innovative process. The purpose of the program is to examine applications of technology in K-12 schools to determine the feasibility and effectiveness of those applications and technologies in meeting educational goals and objectives of the school, district, and state in the areas of teaching and learning, educator preparation and development and administration and support with the ultimate goal of improving student performance.

The recommendations from the 1999-2000 Ed Tech PILOTS were guiding factors in establishing four new pilot projects in the fall of 2001 in foundation curriculum areas of Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies. The general purpose of these projects is to use technology to more effectively deliver student performance data, curriculum content or professional development to classroom teachers. All projects employ a web interface as a focal point for delivering this content. Each of the Ed Tech PILOTS established partnerships that include the Texas Education Agency, content area centers for professional development, existing state initiatives, universities, and technology vendors.

Each of the Ed Tech PILOTS is based on current programs already in place in Texas Schools. The reading pilot examines the use of handheld technology to implement the Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI). The TPRI provides educators with data to inform reading instruction and plan professional development opportunities for teachers. The mathematics pilot extends the University of Texas Homework Service to elementary and middle school students. The homework service historically provided assistance to high school teachers in the areas of physics, math, physical science and chemistry. The Biology and Social Studies pilots use the resources provided through the Texas Library Connection (TLC), a statewide technology initiative established to provide current, relevant information equitably to Texas school districts. The TLC provides access to online databases of full text journals, magazines, newspapers, encyclopedias, and electronic reference collections.

Contact Educational Technology Staff with any questions you may have.
This page last updated November 9, 2004

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