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School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas

Texas Administrative Code, Title 13. Cultural Resources
Part I. Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Chapter 4. School Library Programs
§ 4.1
The Texas State Library and Archives Commission is directed to develop voluntary School Library Standards in Texas Education Code 33.021. Added by Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 260, § 1, eff. May 30, 1995.

Internal Links

Revised and adopted by the Texas State Library and Archives Commissioners on May 16, 2005. The revised standards establish guidelines for school library programs at four levels: exemplary, recognized, acceptable, and below standard. Supplemental Resources include output and outcome measures that libraries may use to describe the level of use and effectiveness of the program, a glossary of terms, bibliographies, and a list of the revision committee members.

Links to Related Resources

Evaluation Instruments based on the 2005 School Library Standards, developed by Maria Elena Ovalle, Region One Educational Service Center

How much will it cost to bring my library up to Standards?
(Forms developed by Margaret Jones and library staff at Hutto ISD)

Sample Forms for Use When Collaborating/Planning with Teachers

19 TAC Chapter 61, School Districts, Subchapter CC, Commissioner's Rules Concerning School Facilities (.doc form)

AASL Information Power, 1998 Library Media Standards for Teachers of Students ages 3-18+, 2001 National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Information Power Online Preview.

National Standards for Library Media Specialists from the National Teachers Association.

State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) Guidelines for Certification of Texas School Librarians

State of Texas Master Plan for Educational Technology 2000-2003 (.pdf)
This site has a link to the 2002-2003 Texas StaR Chart, a Tool for Planning and Assessing School Technology and Readiness aligned with the Texas Long-Range Plan for Technology.

The Texas Study, Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Students’ Performance.

Key Results of Texas Study on School Libraries [updated 4/9/03; MS Word; 37KB]

Links to Articles

"Revising School Library Programs: Standards and Guidelines for Texas" by Christine McNew. Article on published in the Winter 2001 issue of Texas Library Journal (Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)

"Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, Services, and Student Performance" by Christine McNew and Mary Lankford. Article published in the Summer 2001 issue of Texas Library Journal.

Documents marked PDF require Adobe Acrobat Reader. Free reader/viewers are also available for Microsoft Word and Excel files.

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