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The proposed Bedding Rules that were originally scheduled for presentation before the DSHS Council in October 2007, have been rescheduled for the January 30-31, 2008, DSHS Council meeting.   Please check the main DSHS Web site nearer the January 2008 meeting for an Agenda.


Chapter 205. Product Safety
Subchapter A. Bedding Rules
Amendments §§205.1-205.17

The Executive Commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission, on behalf of the Department of State Health Services (DSHS), proposes amendments to §§205.1-205.17 concerning the regulation of bedding products. 

The amendments in the proposed rules are necessary to implement House Bill (HB) 1752 passed during the 79th Legislature, Regular Session 2005, which relates to the regulation of germicidal treatment of secondhand bedding items; and HB 2471 passed during the 80th Legislature, Regular Session 2007, relating to the sale of certain secondhand bedding.  Additional amendments are also needed to improve clarity and to comply with the four-year rule review requirements.   The proposed rules include:

  • Amendments to §§205.1, 205.2, 205.4-205.10, and 205.12-205.17 to clarify and correct grammatical errors to rules. 
  • Amendments to §205.2 change the definition of “new” and “secondhand” and add a new definition for “floor model.”
  • Amendments to §205.3 reflect the new Federal Flammability Standards.
  • Amendments to §205.8 add new §205.8(a)(1)(D) to clarify the use of secondhand bedding as a floor model. 
  • Amendments to §205.11 clarify language to reflect the two-year term for licenses, and describes minimum sanitary conditions for a facility holding a germicidal treatment permit. 



If you have questions or would like to submit comments regarding these proposed rules, please forward your comments in writing to the attention of Ms. Andrea Lopez, Consumer Product Safety Specialist by email to or to the following mailing address:  Department of State Health Services, Environmental Health Group - Mail Code 1987, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, TX 78756.

Written comments will be accepted until May 5, 2008.





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Last Updated October 10, 2007

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