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Records Appraisal Report:
Teacher Retirement System Selected Record Series

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Agency contact | Project background | Agency program | Record series reviews
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Customer surveys
Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint files
Publication development files

October 20, 2003, Laura K. Saegert, Appraisal Archivist

Agency contact

Alicia Mallory, Records Retention Analyst, 512-542-6620

Project background

This is a minimal appraisal of three series of records transferred to the Archives and Information Services Division of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas (TRS). TRS contacted appraisal archivist Laura Saegert and asked for advice and a review of several series of records. Prior to 2003, TRS had not transferred any records to the State Archives. I talked with the Records Retention Analyst, Alicia Mallory, about their retention schedule, A and R archival series, and other series she had questions about. The agency was cleaning out storage and office areas, and wanted to send over their old, valuable records to the State Archives.

Initially, they sent us a large list of litigation cases files (over 400 cubic ft.), giving the dates and style of the case and a brief synopsis of most cases. We selected a few cases for permanent transfer to the Archives. Next, they transferred records from eight "R" series on their retention schedule for us to review. Records in series we considered archival would be kept at the Archives; non-archival records would either be returned to TRS or discarded if the agency did not wish to have them back. All the records have fulfilled their retention requirements.

Series we are transferring without an appraisal review are:
Administrative correspondence - several subseries:

EXC001 - Executive letters to TRS Board of Trustees, 1992-1998, 4 cubic ft.
TCA002 - TRS-Care correspondence, 1985-1997, about 1.5 cubic ft.
MDSO18 - Member Data Services Correspondence, 1978-1979, fractional

Meeting supporting documentation:

CIO010 - Chief Investment Officer Correspondence (letters to bd.), 1998-1999, fractional

Reports, TCA013 - TRS Annual Care Reports, 1985-1995, fractional
Organization charts, HRS027 - Organization charts, 1988-1997, fractional
News releases, COM003 - News releases, 1997-1998, about 0.25 cubic ft.
Litigation, LEG016 - Litigation (4 cases), 1970s-1990s, 1 cubic ft.

Ongoing record series: All the series being reviewed are still ongoing. Annual accumulation of each ranges from fractional to 1-2 cubic ft.

There are three series of records being described in this report:
Customer surveys, 1985-2000
EEO employee complaint files, 1978-1994
Publication development files, 1977-2001

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Agency program

In 1936 a group of Texas teachers became determined to establish a program of retirement benefits for educators throughout the state. The Legislature proposed an amendment to the Constitution on the November 1936 ballot. Voters passed the amendment and the Legislature passed enabling legislation in 1937 (Senate Bill 47, 45th Legislature, Regular Session), establishing the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. The original responsibility of the System was to provide service and disability retirement benefits to teachers and administrators of public schools in Texas, including institutions of higher education. The51st Legislature passed legislation in 1949 expanding membership eligibility to all employees of public education institutions (Senate Bill 333, Regular Session). In 1985, TRS was assigned the responsibility for administering a health insurance program for public school retirees (Senate Bill 387, 69th Legislature, Regular Session). The 74th Legislature in 1995 authorized TRS to offer a health insurance program for active school employees (Senate Bill 9, Regular Session). In 2001, TRS was given the responsibility of administering a new statewide health care program for eligible public school employees and dependents called TRS-Active Care (House Bill 3343, 77th Legislature, Regular Session).

Article 16, Section 67, of the Texas Constitution charters the System to provide retirement and related benefits for those employed by the public schools, colleges, and universities supported by the State of Texas. The System is responsible for investing funds under its stewardship and for delivering benefits to members as authorized by the Texas Legislature. TRS is a defined benefit plan, with retirement benefits determined by a pre-established formula. The trust fund is sustained principally by three sources--contributions by members during their working careers, contributions by the state, and investment revenues.

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the administration of the Teacher Retirement System. The board is composed of nine trustees who are appointed by the governor to staggered terms of six years. Three trustees are direct appointments of the governor. Two trustees are appointed by the governor from a list prepared by the State Board of Education. Two trustees are appointed by the governor from the three public school district active member candidates who have been nominated for each position by employees of public school districts. One trustee is appointed by the governor from the three higher education active member candidates nominated by employees of institutions of higher education. One trustee is appointed by the governor from the three retired member candidates who are nominated by retired TRS members.

As of August 31, 2002, TRS is the state's largest public retirement system in both membership and assets. TRS serves more than 1,000,000 members--847,000 are public education employees and 201,000 are annuitants. System net assets total approximately $72 billion.

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Records Series Reviews

Records Series Review
Customer surveys

Customer surveys are compilation of data from surveys returned by clients rating the performance of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Dates covered are 1985-2000. There are results from several surveys; the University of Texas School of Social Work conducted the surveys. The data consists of summary reports of responses and compilations of comments by retirees, either to the agency in general or in response to specific questions.

Publications based on records: None known

Internet pages based on records: None known

Series data from agency schedule:
Title: Customer surveys
Series item number: 1.1.038
Agency item number: TCA010 and COM006 (same series, different divisions)
Archival code: R
Retention: AV

Archival holdings:
None in the holdings of the Archives and Information Services Division of the Library and Archives Commission.

Texas Documents Collection holdings:

Appraisal decision:
There is not any long-term value is retaining client (retirees) comments on the performance of the agency. This series has the R because an R is listed on the state records retention schedule for this series based on the series # it has - 1.1.038 used to be Reports and studies. The series number was changed for the reports series, which is an R series, and R was left for the Customer surveys series. We have made previous appraisal decisions that Customer surveys are not archival and do not need an archival code of R.

The agency will be informed to remove this R from their retention schedule.

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Records Series Review
Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint files

EEO complaints files are personnel records documenting discrimination complaints filed by employees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Dates covered are 1978-1994. Types of records present include memos, notes, interview questions (for jobs or promotions), correspondence, promotion reports, performance evaluations, job application scores, and other personnel records.

Publications based on records: None known

Internet pages based on records: None known

Access restrictions:
Yes, some of the information on the job application is restricted, likely other of the personnel records are restricted. The retention schedule lists numerous restrictions.

Series data from agency schedule:
Title: EEO complaint records
Series item number: 1.1.048
Agency item number: HRS007
Archival code: R
Retention: AC+FE+5

Archival holdings:
None in the holdings of the Archives and Information Services Division of the Library and Archives Commission.

Texas Documents Collection holdings:

Appraisal decision:
Employee discrimination complaint files are personnel files that do not have long-term archival value and should not have been sent over for archival review. These are not archival and will either be returned to the agency or else shredded if the agency does not want them back.

The agency will be informed to remove this R from their retention schedule.

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Records Series Review
Publication development files

This series consists of drafts, notes, publication proofs, background research, and transcripts of agency publications, both printed publications and videos. Dates covered are 1977-2000. There are two groups of files - the page proofs, drafts, notes, transcripts, and research files; and the oversize publication mock-ups or page proofs. The first group is legal/letter size files, largely consisting of drafts, notes, and research files for all types of publications. There are often two or more edited drafts of the publication present. The oversize files, the mockups, are largely present for various editions of newsletters and annual reports.

Types of publications covered in these files include annual reports, annual financial reports, strategic plans, laws and rules, newsletters, handbooks, manuals, investment reports, retirement planning publications, directories, instructions for retirees, brochures, and videos about TRS programs. A list of the publications as listed on the agency supplied container inventory is attached.

Publications based on records: Too many to list. All of the publication development files resulted in publications. Titles of some of the more important publications include:
Annual reports
Annual financial reports
Strategic plans
TRS Laws and Rules
TRS News
Planning Your Retirement
TRS Benefits Handbook
Investment Report
TRS-Care Pulse
Investment Manual

Internet pages based on records: A list of current TRS publications is at http://www.trs.state.tx.us/global.jsp?page_id=/global/publications_all. Newsletters date back to 1998.

Series data from agency schedule:
Title: Publication development files
Series item number: 1.3.002
Agency item number: COM010
Archival code: R
Retention: AV

Archival holdings:
None in the holdings of the Archives and Information Services Division of the Library and Archives Commission.

Texas Documents Collection holdings:
As these are all state agency publications, the Documents Collection should have copies of all of these. The TRS retention schedule states that copies of all agency publications are sent to the Texas Documents Collection. Titles of some of the more important series they hold are:
Annual reports, 1972 forward
Annual financial reports, 1995 forward
Strategic plans, 1992 forward
TRS Laws and Rules, 1980 forward
TRS News, 1979 forward
Planning Your Retirement, 1992-forward
TRS Benefits Handbook, 1997 forward
Investment Report, 1991 forward
TRS-Care Pulse, 1987 forward
TRS Pocket Guide, 1993 forward
Teacher Retirement in Texas, 1981 forward

Appraisal decision:
These are state agency publications, mostly generic publications, such as newsletters, strategic plans, and annual reports. The Documents Collections has the printed copy of what I consider to be the significant publications - annual reports, strategic plans, investment guides, and newsletters. I do not know if all of the brochures and mail outs are present, in my opinion, those are not important enough to retain publication development files for (mockups, drafts, etc.) The only publications I did not find and would like to have are the few agency manuals. In those cases, I think we should keep the editorial files for the manuals (Administrative manual, Investment manual, Facilitator's guide) - but not the oversize mockups or page proofs. The rest of the files, both the edited files and the oversize files can be offered back to the agency or discarded.

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