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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 15, 2009,
Item 11

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consider and take appropriate action on fiscal year 2010 budget rules.

>> good morning, jessica rio, planning and budget.
every year we ask the court to adopt the following year's fy 10 in this case budget rules.
you should have a memo explaining the changes from last year's budget rules.
i do want to note last year's budget rules we tried to revamp them, if you will, make them more user friends limit the format of this -- more user friendly.
the format is more easily accessible to the people that use them every day.
the proposed changes for fy '10, I want to one through those, then we're happy to answer any questions.
the first one additional restrictions moving budgeted funds from personnel line items as automatic budget adjustments unless the department provides substantial justification for those adjustments, we also want to -- to alert department that's we will not be supporting -- personnel line items going to operating.
currently those go to Commissioners court anyways, but we will be noting those to Commissioners court.
in fy '10, an earlier deadline from Thursdays to Tuesdays, which is a full two weeks before grant submissions or items are placed on the agenda.
to allow sufficient time for the auditor's office, county attorney, anybody else involved including p.b.o.
to review those grant items make sure they are complete with the Commissioners court.
an earlier deadline for budget adjustments for anything involving certificates of obligation needs that requires legal review, we've had problems in the past where we haven't had sufficient time for legal to do the sufficient review of those items, we would ask the departments to coordinate with p.b.o.
prior to the budget adjustment deadline of Thursday, to ensure that the legal aspects of it have already been ironed out.
there will be an establishment of a quarterly report to the Commissioners court on car funded projects or items.
and we will be asking departments to transfer any savings from completed projects back to the car reserve if they exceed 15,000 so that the Commissioners court can have those funds to reappropriate to new projects or mid year items that -- that come up.
there will be a limitation on the reappropriation of prior year funds for preencumbrances across fiscal years, I believe a memo has gone out from leroy, also in the budget manual this year, departments are aware of that.
requirement that the departments pay for employees business cards, the preliminary budget actually included a reduction to the centralized line item that -- that was used for those expenditures.
require Commissioners court approval be coordinated through p.b.o.
and follow the grant rules, which they should be doing right now anyways, that's just really a clarification.
then expanding p.b.o.'s authority to deobligate unspent grand fund, 5 percent or less for grants that utilize the on line system.
sometimes at the end of the grant there's been $100 left over, we've been having to take that back to court, really just administrative, we're asking for that additional authority.
i do want to note two changes have come to our attention since we put out the backup.
one change on page 7 which is p.b.o.'s recommendation on personnel line items, includes -- includes p.b.o.
will not recommend a budget adjustment from -- lists various line items as 701, all of the personnel line items, to an operating line item unless corrections, medical services, nursing services, right now reads juvenile probation treatment services.
we are going to request for next week, we aren't asking for action today.
next week when this comes back to the Commissioners court to action, we're going to strike the word treatment.
it will just say juvenile treatment instead of services, the other changes making for next week on -- say juvenile services not treatment.
less centralized utilities, et cetera.
the first one on there quarter of services 6300 through 6399, we had actually listed that last for fiscal year budget resumes, it crept back into my copy, I'm going to be deleting that with your permission, that's really the high level summary of the changes next we're.
as I stated we are not asking for action today.
the county attorney's office and county auditor's office has given me their input.
i want to make sure all of the departments have a good chance to read this and submit any comments or concerns to our office.
we will be asking, reposting this for next Tuesday and asking for Commissioners court approval at that time.

>> why does it make sense to put the budget for business cards in 50 departments rather than having I guess the general services line item now?
one line item is this cumbersome?

>> basically what we are asking departments to do is be responsible for their own business card printing.
so they will have to find -- they will to v to absorb it, that's correct.

>> it will be funded through or still run through the -- the appropriate deposit the funding will simply be paid for out of

>> [indiscernible] department.

>> so I -- how has it been done historyally.

>> funded in records management.


>> [indiscernible]

>> that's correct.

>> coming out of their budget.

>> that's correct, what we're asking departments to do is absorb that cost within their own budget.
run that through as far as printing is concerned, still through the same source but funded through the depend's budget.

>> that was one of the 5% reduction proposals that p.b.o.
accepted and recommended in the preliminary budget.



>> [indiscernible] I have no problem with the rules that you present to the court, I would like to move approval.

>> could we hold off until next week.

>> all right.
next week.

>> just to make sure that the departments have a chance to review it and have that opportunity.

>> okay, well, that's fine.
i thought the departments had already --

>> we sent it out, the county auditor's reviewed it thoroughly, county attorney's office reviewed it thoroughly, we didn't send it out until last week.
just to make sure, I'll move approval next week then.

>> appreciate it.

>> any other questions today?
between now and next Tuesday, I guess that I need to hear why it makes more sense for -- for something like carts to be paid for from 50 -- cards to be paid for by 50 different line items than one.

>> be happy to.

>> what's the total budget for business cards, anyway.

>> I believe it was 40,000.
we took the department recommended 20.
i think it was 40, but we will double check that number.
but as a part of that 5% reduction package that was submitted from records, 20 was submitted, and that's what we accept.
but I'll be happy to give you an update.

>> all right.
except for the changes that were highlighted today, the budget rules are roughly the same for 2010 as this year.

>> although the format is stashly different.
we did move a lot of things to the appendix.

>> anything else today?
thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> we'll see you next week.
now we did on item no.
28, do we have the -- the people that we need?
the matter involving the back to school project?
on airport?

>> all right.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 2:14 PM


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