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Genetic Services

Interagency Council for Genetic Services (IACGS)

The Interagency Council for Genetic Services (IACGS) was established in 1987 (70 (R)) to:
  • Survey available resources for human genetic services in Texas;
  • Evaluate current and future needs for genetic services in Texas;
  • Evaluate the cost-effectiveness and value of different human genetic services and methods of service delivery;
  • Study the epidemiology of human genetic disorders;
  • Assist in coordinating statewide human genetic services for Texas residents;
  • Increase the flow of genetics information among providers;
  • Develop guidelines to monitor the provision of human genetic services;
  • Identify and coordinate activities with state entities that serve persons who are affected by environmental disorders; and
  • Coordinate with state agencies represented on the Council when a rule relating to human genetics or human genetic services is proposed.

Council Membership
Meeting Schedule
Meeting Minutes
Resource Allocation Plans



The Council consists of one representative each from:

  • The Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS);
  • The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS);
  • The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI);
  • The University of Texas Health Science Centers (UTHSC);
  • The providers that contract with DSHS to provide genetic services; and
Two representatives who are:
  • Consumers of genetic services, or representatives of consumer groups related to the provision of genetic services.
Current members include:
  • Margaret Drummond-Borg, M.D., DSHS, Chair
  • Alicia Dimmick Essary, DADS
  • Robert Cleveland, Consumer
  • Mary Kukolich, M.D., Provider
  • Lillian Lockhart, M.D., UTHSC
  • Patricia Brewer, TDI
  • Janet M. Shephard, L.M.S.W., Consumer


The Council meets quarterly, generally on the first Friday of September, December, March, and June.

  • Next meeting: December 7, 2007, 10:30 am - 1:00 pm, Texas Department of State Health Services, Moreton Bldg. Room M-101.



Human Resources Code, Title 9, Chapter 134 (70(R), 1987) directs the Council to develop biennially a resource allocation plan recommending how funds for genetic services should be spent during the next fiscal biennium.

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Last Updated November 12, 2007

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