Rail Safety Inspection Program

TxDOT rail safety inspectors conduct safety inspections of railroad facilities and equipment and monitor compliance with both state and federally-mandated safety regulations in the areas of hazardous materials, operating practices, motive power and equipment, signal and train control, and track.

Texas is currently participating in the Federal Railroad Administration's (FRA) Rail State Safety Participation Program under 49 CFR Part 212 which allows states to enter into an agreement with FRA for the delegation of specified authority, such as investigative and surveillance authority regarding all or any part of Federal railroad safety laws.

Contact Us

(512) 416-2376

Frequently Asked Questions

  What should I do if I think that a railroad crossing signal is malfunctioning?
  Where may I find information on a particular crossing, for instance, DOT # ownership, number of daily trains or other related railroad crossing information?
  The trains in my neighborhood block the crossing for long periods of time. Is there a time limit on how long they can block the crossing?
  As I approach a grade crossing in my neighborhood, I am unable to see very far down the tracks due to the overgrowth of vegetation. Is there someone I can contact to have this taken care of?
  There are some tracks very close to my home that I walk on to get to the store. Is this against the law?
  Where can I find the rules and regulations pertaining to railroad operations in the state of Texas?
  Is it OK for a pedestrian to ignore activated warning devices such as flashing red lights and lowered gates at a grade crossing?
  When I am behind a school bus as I approach a railroad grade crossing, the bus always stops. Why is this?
  Why is the engineer unable to stop the train to avoid hitting a person or vehicle?
  Who are the unseen victims of grade crossing and trespasser collisions?