Safe Routes to School (SRTS)

Safe Routes to School programs create practical projects to make school routes safer for children to walk and bicycle, such as sidewalks, crosswalks and bicycle facilities. Community leaders, parents and schools also use education programs to help children travel safely to and from school. Read more in the "Children Deserve a Safe Route to School" flyer from the National Center for Safe Routes to School.


The 2009 SRTS Program Call is currently underway. New application forms are now available for both Infrastructure and Non-Infrastructure projects. The deadline for submitting an application is Monday, November 30, 2009. Additional information regarding the program, program guide and application forms are available from TxDOT's district offices.

Note: Program Guidance and Application Instructions are available for help with filling out the forms.

For more information about the Safe Routes to School program, please contact your local SRTS Program Coordinator, visit Safe Routes Texas or contact the TxDOT Traffic Operations Division by e-mail.

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