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Transportation and
Natural Resources


Special Permit Information For Flood Victims

NEWChapter 64. Regulations for Flood Plain Management &
Guidelines and Procedures for Development Permits

Since 1976, the citizens of Travis County have been able to buy flood insurance for their homes and businesses because the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has found that Travis County’s program for the management of construction in floodplains meets the requirements for participation in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Chapter 64 of the Travis County Code lays out regulations for floodplain management, and guidelines and procedures for development permits in Travis County.

FEMA releases preliminary Flood Insurance Rate Maps and Flood Insurance Studies for Travis County.  More...floodplain map information

Travis County issues the following types of permits for development in any unincorporated area.


Permit applications are not available online. The applications on this site are for informational purposes only. Applications may be obtained at our offices located at 411 West 13th Street, 8th Floor, Austin, Texas 78767. We will not accept faxed, e-mailed, or downloaded copies of permit applications.

All new or altered commercial and/or public buildings must meet the Travis County Fire Code's standards and must be permitted by the Travis County Fire Marshal's Office.

To obtain a "Basic Development Permit"

A Travis County Basic Development Permit is required for all development outside corporate city limits in Travis County. Development is defined as any man-made changes to improved or unimproved real estate, including but not limited to structures or other buildings, mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations.

Submit the completed application at 411 West 13th Street, Executive Office Building 8th Floor between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM, or mail it to:
Travis County Transportation and Natural Resources
P.O. Box 1748
Austin, Texas 78767
Attention: Permits

Step 1 - General Information
Step 2 - NRES Information
Step 3 - Completing the Application
Step 4 - Sample Application

In addition to Travis County Code, development permit applications are expected to comply with other applicable health and safety laws and regulations prior to the approval of Travis County development permits. Please complete, sign, and attach the checklist below to all development permit applications.

Residential Checklist

Commercial Checklist

To obtain a "Driveway In Right of Way Permit"

Travis County approval is required if your property is outside corporate city limits and you are establishing a driveway location onto public right-of-way.
EXCEPTION: If your access is onto a state road such as FM 2322 (also called Pace Bend Road) or FM 2304 (also called Manchaca), you obtain your Driveway Permits from Texas Department of Transportation at 832-7112.

Step 1 - General Information
Step 2 - Sample Application

Supplemental Materials

Safety end treatment for residential driveway culvert
Residential driveway dip-style
Residential driveway straight tie-in
Residential driveway with culvert pipe

To obtain a "Septic Permit"

Welcome to the On-Site Wastewater (OSW) permitting process. If you have any questions about this process we are available to answer your questions at (512)854-9383.

Drop off your permit application package at 411 W. 13th Street, Suite 806 between 8:30AM and 4:00PM or mail the packet to:
Travis County TNR
PO Box 1748
Austin, TX 78767
Attn: Permits

Step 1 - General Info and Terminology
Step 2 - Standard Design Checklist
Step 3 - Professionally Designed (Engineered) Checklist
Step 4 - Affidavit for OSSF Requiring Maintenance
Step 5 - Affidavit for Multiple Lots with Single System
Step 6 - Inspection Information
Step 7 - Soil Analysis Form – Front
Step 8 - Soil Analysis Form - Back
Step 9 - Sample Application

To obtain a "Utility Permit"

Step 1 - Requirements of Permit Application
Step 2 - Application Form
Step 3 - Contractor’s Liability Agreement
Step 4 - Sample Bond

Additional Information and External Links


Email us.


Last Modified: Friday, July 31, 2009 2:53 PM