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Health, Human and
Veteran Services

Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

picture of TCSD building Stacy Landry, LPC, Program Manager
2201 Post Road #100
Austin, TX 78704

Voice: 512) 854-9205
TTY: (512) 854-9210
Fax: (512) 854-9289

Video Phone:
   (512) 410-6529



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Travis County Services for the Deaf is a dynamic, responsive agency that strives to bridge the gap between deaf and hearing citizens in the Travis County area. We have been serving central Texas since 1974. This agency upholds the rights of individuals to realize their potential and lead rich, fulfilling lives, dedicating its staff and resources to the following:

  • promoting and improving communication options
  • promoting self-sufficiency and non-institutionalized living
  • advocating for the elimination of barriers
  • providing information and referral services
  • providing individualized services in a caring and efficient manner.