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This is the City Government Web Site for the City of Fredericksburg, Texas.

For information regarding local businesses, tourism, festivals, local events calendar, accommodations, relocation and economic development information, go to:

The Fredericksburg, Texas Chamber of Commerce

The Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce, Convention & Visitor Bureau ,  Economic Development Commission Web Site


The Fredericksburg Convention & Visitor Bureau Lodging Guide

Fredericksburg is a city of beauty and charm.  Its founding includes a rich history of people making a good life in a new place with the help of friends and neighbors.  Working together, they created a city where all could live up to their potential, participate in activities and benefit from services to enhance the quality of their lives. The spirit of working together to create a beautiful, livable place is still alive today in Fredericksburg.  And that spirit is responsible for the ambiance of the city today.

Your City government provides services to assure that Fredericksburg continues to be an outstanding place to live, work, and raise a family.  The City government supplies a full range of services - the services you rely on every day - plus some you probably didn't expect.

This web site is dedicated to you, the citizens of Fredericksburg - to keep you informed with information about services provided by the City of Fredericksburg to make our city an even better place to live.


The Latest:

Health News


The City of Fredericksburg adopted a tax rate that will raise more taxes for maintenance and operations than last year's tax rate.  The tax rate will raise taxes for maintenance and operations on a $100,000 home by approximately $0.30 (30 cents) per year.

2008-2009 Adopted Budget

The Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post

For local news, check out the online version of Fredericksburg's local newspaper: The Fredericksburg Standard-Radio Post

Fredericksburg - V.G. Montabaur Sister City Organization

Montabaur, Germany

Visit the web site of our SisterCity: 

Montabaur, Germany

Der Homepage der
Deutsch-Texanischen Gesellschaft

Städtepartnerschaft mit der Verbandsgemeinde Montabaur

Other City of Fredericksburg Departmental Web Links:

Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Department

Fredericksburg Volunteer Fire Department

Fredericksburg Food & Wine Fest

Fredericksburg Food & Wine Fest Info

Lady Bird Johnson Golf Course

Lady Bird Johnson Municipal Golf Course

Fredericksburg Animal Shelter

Fredericksburg Animal Shelter


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Home | Animal Shelter Web Site | Appraisal Info | Boards/Committees | Building & Development Information | City Council | Comments & Questions | Disclaimer | Emergency Services | Employment | Frequently Asked Questions | History | Maps | Meetings/Notices | Ordinances | Organization | Police Web Site | Recreation | Restaurant Scores | RV Park & Camping | Tourism Info | Utility Rates | Local Weather

Contact Information

         General Information, Utilities, City Hall:830-997-7521
         Park / Camping:830-997-4202
To report electric/water outage after hours:830-997-8080
Fax: 830-997-1861
Postal address: 126 W. Main St., Fredericksburg, TX 78624-3708
Electronic mail    General Information
Send mail to Webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1999 - 2009: City of Fredericksburg, Texas