Board for Evaluation of Interpreters (BEI)

Provides evaluation of interpreters to determine their skill level and awards certification. The program maintains lists of certified interpreters by skill level and administers certification maintenance and ethics complaint process.

BEI Information Update

There are numerous updates to share with you regarding BEI policy changes and staff changes. | Read more about BEI Information Update.

Texas Trilingual Certification

This project is nearing completion. Implementation of policies and procedures are underway as well as the development of a Study Guide for Trilingual Certification Candidates. | Read more about Texas Trilingual Certification.

BEI Advisory Board Vacancy

DARS Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services is seeking to fill a vacancy on the BEI Advisory Board. | Read more about the qualifications.

DARS DHHS Seeking Raters for Interpreter Evaluation

The DARS Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services (DHHS) may have rater opportunities for individuals who are hearing or deaf who meet the established criteria to evaluate candidates for interpreter certification. | Click here to check the Electronic State Business Daily (ESBD) if BEI Rater Services are available

BEI Study Guide
The Study Guide sample test has been replaced with the sample test listed on this page.