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Texas Center for Infectious Disease

For Patient Referrers:

This page is part of the patient's pre-admission packet.  Please print all of the "Patient Resources" portion of the web site and provide the packet as a guide to explain admission to TCID to the patient and/or caregiver.

TCID Admissions Page - Picture of TCID's Administration Building

Admission to TCID

Requests for hospitalization and outpatient services are evaluated individually to determine that the facilities and specialists are available for treatment and that hospitalization is appropriate. Because patients are pre-admitted, patients arriving at the campus are directed to the front entrance of the Center and then to the patient’s room where the intake process will be completed. The persons who are transporting you will be instructed to arrive for admission between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.  

If you are coming to TCID for admission as an inpatient, please bring the following:

  1. The name, address and phone number of the physician who referred you to TCID.

  2. The name, address and phone number of other physicians that have treated you.
  3. Medicare card, current Medicaid certificate, and insurance information.
  4. HMO referral authorization forms and/or policy numbers.
  5. Proof of income and residency in the State of Texas and/or resident alien card. (Undocumented patients referred for treatment will be accepted without proof of Texas residency.)

  6. Driver’s license or other form of photo ID and your Social Security card.
  7. Medical records, including x-rays, lab reports, and any written medical history, should have been sent prior to your admission. Ask your referring physician or health department if any additional records need to come with you to TCID.
  8. All prescription and over-the-counter medications (including home remedies) in original containers and a list of any allergies to medicine or foods.
  9. Several changes of clothes, hats, shoes for daytime wear.
  10. Pajamas, slippers, robe, and toilet articles for personal use.
  11. The mailing addresses and phone numbers of relatives and friends.
  12. Stationary, stamps and pens.
  13. Favorite pictures.
  14. Battery operated radios.
  15. Reading material.
  16. Pre-paid telephone card for long distance calls.

Storage space for personal belongings is limited.  No room is available for storage of large items or excessive clothing. Make arrangements for storage of those items before coming to TCID.

Long term parking for vehicles is available. Space is not available on the campus to maintain your vehicle. Although the campus is patrolled, the State of Texas cannot accept liability for damage or loss to a vehicle left on the campus.

We recommend that you keep only limited cash in your room. The Hospital cashier is available each business day to collect cash or other valuables for safekeeping. A patient account can be maintained for you from which you can draw funds each business day (Monday-Friday, 8-5).

  • When you come to the Texas Center for infectious Disease for an outpatient visit, please make sure to bring the following:
  • The name, address and phone number of the physician who referred you to TCID
  • The name, address and phone number of other physicians that have treated you
  • Medicare card, current Medicaid certificate, and insurance information
  • HMO referral authorization forms and/or policy numbers
  • Proof of income and residency in the State of Texas and/or resident alien card
  • Drivers license or other form of photo ID and your Social Security card
  • Medical records, including x-rays, lab reports, and any written medical history, should have been sent prior to your admission. Ask your referring physician or health department if any more records need to come with you to TCID.
  • All prescription and over-the-counter medications (including home remedies) in original containers and a list of any allergies to medicine or foods.

QUARANTINE FROM TEXAS: The use of procedures involving court-ordered management of a person with a communicable disease is a cooperative effort between the public health entity charged with the control of these diseases and the city, county or district attorney whose office represents the entity in legal matters. The Office of General Counsel of the Department of State Health Services works closely with these various attorneys, often providing de-identified copies of pleadings and completed forms for their use.  Procedural steps and four of the most commonly used forms are available on this site for downloading.

Health authorities and the Department of State Health Services, working with city, county and district attorneys, may initiate these procedures to insure the isolation and detention of non-compliant infectious persons.

Once non-compliance and a resulting threat to the public health results in a decision to seek court-ordered management of a person's care, an affidavit of medical evaluation should be prepared by the health authority for use in the proceedings.

PATIENTS FROM OTHER STATES: Admission of patients from other states is authorized subject to the availability of appropriate space after the needs of eligible patient who are Texas residents are met, and the other state is responsible for paying all the costs of the hospitalization and treatment of patients admitted under the agreement.

It is necessary to obtain participation by the State Commissioner of Health in each case involving temporary or extended court-ordered management of a person with a communicable disease. The Commissioner must concur in the Affidavit of Medical Evaluation and designate a suitable facility for providing appropriate examination, observation, isolation and/or treatment. This process is expedited if handled through the DSHS Office of General Counsel instead of communicating directly with the Commissioner of Health. In this way, the Commissioner or the designee of the Commissioner can be alerted and appropriated Agency personnel can be notified.

Senate Bill SB1024 provides detailed information about authorizing patients from other states. Please visit the Texas Legislature Online web site for full details.

Last Updated September 26, 2005

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