Special News
City of Dallas Seal

A Message from the City Manager to Residents & Business Owners
Message from the City Manager
List of Consolidated Services
FY 2009/2010 Organization Chart

City of Dallas Rate Changes
More Information...


Census 2010 - Dallas

Setting the Standard:
Building Green In Dallas

Find out more about Dallas’ Green Building Ordinance – now required for all new commercial, residential and municipal construction in Dallas.

Census 2010 - Dallas

April 1, 2010 is Census Day!
The next decennial Census is approaching and it’s up to all residents of Dallas to make sure that our count is accurate.
Find out more...

Dallas Convention Center

Dallas Convention Center Hotel
Learn more about the convention center hotel project.

Reverse 911

Reverse 911: In case of emergency...we'll call you!
As part of Dallas' emergency warning system, Reverse 911 will call and alert you in the event of an emergency like severe weather. Find out how it works and how to get the call on your cell or VoIP phone.

Thriving Minds

The City of Dallas, in partnership with Big Thought, Dallas Independent School District and more than 100 arts, cultural and civic organizations, has undertaken a groundbreaking initiative called Thriving Minds that is working to improve the quality of education for every Dallas child.
More information...
View the BigThought site!

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps)

Dallas Floodway Project Periodic Inspection Report No. 9 (FINAL)
The City of Dallas announces Final Report Findings for Dallas Levee System in the Dallas Floodway Project Periodic Inspection Report No. 9).
More Information...

recovery.gov logo

American Recovery & Reinvestment Act
Learn more about how the funds will be spent in the City of Dallas.

More Information...

Dallas Animal Services website

Pet of the Week!
Meet the City of Dallas Pet of the Week. If you 're interested in adopting a pet from Dallas Animal Services visit the Animal Adoption facility at 1818 N. Westmoreland or call 214-670-8246.

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Other Items of Interest
Around Town

State Fair of Texas
State Fair of Texas
September 25 - October 18

Dallas Bikes to City Hall
Dallas Bikes to City Hall
October 7

Nature Fest 2009
Nature Fest 2009
October 10 & 11