Contractor Prequalification

Before a bidder may receive a bid proposal on a construction or maintenance project, TxDOT requires that the bidder be qualified.

At present the Department has two forms of qualification.

  1. Full Prequalification: Normally this qualification is for construction projects. In order to satisfy the requirements for this qualification, a bidder must provide an audited financial statement prepared by an independent Certified Public Accountant as outlined in Bulletin No. 2, along with a completed Confidential Questionnaire and other required supporting documents. The financial statements must be less than one year old. Prior to the anniversary date of the financial statement, the prequalification statements must have been approved for at least one letting.
  2. Bidder's Questionnaire: The Bidder's Questionnaire is for bidding on those projects where the full prequalification requirements (outlined above) have been "waived." In order to satisfy the requirements for bidding on a "waived" project, a bidder must complete the Bidder's Questionnaire form and provide all additional requested information. This level is for smaller construction, routine maintenance and specialty projects.

Once a bidder's qualifications are approved, the approval is valid for one year from the date of the financial statements. Bidder's Questionnaires are valid for one year from the date of receipt by the department.

In addition, the Department grants a 90-day grace period for the preparation of a new qualification statement. All qualification statements must be received at least 10 days prior to the date of the project opening.

The proposal request form on the Department's web site reflects a "w" next to those projects which only require a Bidder's Questionnaire qualification form.