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Budget Bills and Reports

Texas Budget Source More  

Other Major Publications
and Reports

Federal Funds
Health and Human Services
Higher Education
Public Education
Public Safety and Criminal Justice
State Investment Funds
Revenue Survey - NCR (2008)

Performance Review

Agency Performance Review
Higher Education Performance Review
School Performance Review
Request for Qualifications
Effectiveness and Efficiency Report (2009)
The Legislative Budget Board (LBB) is a permanent joint committee of the Texas Legislature that develops budget and policy recommendations for legislative appropriations for all agencies of state government, as well as completes fiscal analyses for proposed legislation. The LBB also conducts evaluations and reviews for the purpose of identifying and recommending changes that improve the efficiency and performance of state and local operations and finances.  

About the LBB

Board Members
Former Board Members
  Hearings, Meetings, and Notices

LBB Staff

Agency Assignments by LBB Team
Analyst Assignments
Team Membership  


Agency Legislative Appropriations Requests for FY2010-11
Bills, Fiscal Notes, and Impact Statements
County and Local Government
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NCSL State Budget Updates
National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Research Resources
State Contracts Search
State Government
Texas Constitution and Statutes
Where the Money Goes
LBB Staff Email Access

Agency Data Entry

ABEST Login Page
ABEST Logon Request Form
Fiscal Notes Login Page
Fiscal Notes Logon Request Form
Revenue Survey - NCR Login Page
Revenue Survey - NCR Logon
Request Form

State Contracts Login Page
State Contracts Logon Request Form  

Agency Instructions

2.5 Percent Budget Reduction
Frequently Asked Questions
ABEST/USAS Reconciliation
Base Reconciliation
Biennial Operating Plan
Contract Reporting
Fiscal Notes
Information Technology Detail
Legislative Appropriations Requests
Operating Budget
Performance Measures
Preparing Agency Strategic Plans
Revenue Survey - NCR
State Contracts  

Agency Reference Documents

Method of Finance Codes
Object of Expense Codes
Revenue Object Codes
Service Categories
Standard Summary Descriptions
Statewide Goals and Benchmarks