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Our Agency Publications

From our administrative rules to manuals and newsletters to our many program resources, we hope you find this compilation of our agency's print and online publications helpful.

Please note that many of our publications are in continuing development for publication on our Web site. We invite you to frequently check back with us for updated additions to this online collection.

Public Library Directory and Statistics
Statistics submitted by public libraries in Texas can be searched by city, library, or county; or downloaded and imported into a spreadsheet or database. For analytical tables and statistical summaries please see the Texas Public Library Summary. Check out your peers on Bibliostat Collect!

Agency Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2009-2013
Titled: Under Construction: A New Building for A New Century of Service to Texans
This plan outlines our agency goals, objectives, strategies, and performance measures through year 2013. Other formats are available upon request. See our previous Strategic Plans.

Agency Biennial Report, FY2007-2008
This report outlines the agency's progress towards its goals during the FY2007-2008 biennium. See our previous Biennial Reports.

Agency Report on Customer Service, June 2008
This report presents the results and describes the findings of our agency's most recent customer service surveys.

Required Reports Prepared by State Agencies and Institutions of Higher Education (Fiscal Year 2009)
This biennial report evaluates the usefulness of reports prepared and submitted by a state agency to other state agencies by law. Each biennium, the commission will recommend to the legislature the repeal or consolidation of statutory reporting requirements, striking a balance between reducing the volume of reports and protecting the public interest and ensuring government accountability. You can Download complete report or view different sections:

Records Management Publications for State Agencies and Local Governments
Includes laws and regulations concerning the management of Texas government records. Includes: State and Local Records Retention Schedules and Bulletins, the Records Management Manual for state agencies, and Policy Models for local governments.

Forms for Records Managers
Agency forms available for download.

Resources for Librarians
A complete index of our publications and other resources for librarians from Adopt-A-Bunny to the Z-Texas Profile.

Texas State Library Publications List
Our publications include newsletters, brochures and fliers, manuals and workbooks, reports and directories, and reprints of materials in State Library collections.

Texas State Publications Annual Index
Annual cumulations of documents received, cataloged and announced in the monthly issues of Texas State Publications from 1994 to 1998.

Comments? E-mail webmaster@tsl.state.tx.us

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