Summary of Town Hall Meetings - Spring 2009 Director of Student Financial Services Search

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COM to admit new class of associate degree nursing students in January pending funding from THECB
COM plans to admit new class of ADN students in Jan. 2010 pending receipt of funding from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board more »
Senior health expo at Mall of the Mainland October 9
50-Plus Health and Wellness Expo at Mall of the Mainland Oct. 9 from 10 am - 2 pm. more »
Eight-week mini session begins October 19
COM is now enrolling students for its eight-week mini session that runs from Oct. 19 - Dec. 11 more »
Hispanic heritage month celebration at COM
Hispanic Heritage Month celebration Thu. Oct. 8 from 6 to 9 pm more »
New art exhibit focuses on topography
'Topologically Speaking' is the new art exhibit at the COM Fine Arts Gallery through Oct. 5 more »
Evening network administration classes begin October 19
Instant guitar for busy adults
October child care provider workshops at COM
COM Guitar Hero finds niche publishing
COM enrollment up 11 percent for fall
Advanced cardiac life support for medical professionals

more at the NewsDesk »

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