Pass-Through Financing Program

Pass-through financing is a tool the state created to stretch already limited tax highway dollars and to allow local communities to fund upfront costs for constructing a state highway project. The state then reimburses a portion of the project cost to the community over time by paying a fee for each vehicle that drives on the new highway. Projects must be on the state highway system to be eligible to be developed under this program.


On September 24, 2009, the Texas Transportation Commission approved for negotiation the selection of 10 projects around the state to be funded by $273 million in pass-through financing. The final total program call amount is subject to negotiations between the department and the local entities with respect to the actual reimbursement schedules developed as part of the individual pass-through agreements.


Date Information
02/26/09 Commission authorizes TxDOT to solicit and accept submissions for pass-through projects
03/13/09 Program call published in the Texas Register
05/12/09 Deadline for submitting proposals
09/24/09 Commission selects 10 projects and gives approval to negotiate for $273 million in pass-through financing

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