Landscape Partnership Program

The program was created to allow local governments, civic organizations or private businesses an opportunity to support the aesthetic improvement of the state highway system by donating 100 percent of the development, establishment, and maintenance of a landscape project on the right of way.


Landscape Partnership projects are initiated by the donor (local government or private entity). The donor submits an application to the appropriate TxDOT district office. The application includes a project concept plan containing sketches, drawings, specifications, and descriptive text as necessary for the department to consider the application.

Applications are evaluated by the department and an agreed value is placed on the project. Following evaluation of the application an agreement is developed that stipulates the donation calculation for the project.

Continued Maintenance

The donor must agree to perform landscape maintenance for a period of not less than two years. All project activities and landscape maintenance responsibilities are documented in a project agreement. The project agreement is executed by both parties prior to the initiation of any project activities.

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Landscape Partnership Program Adobe Acrobat icon
Application for Landscape Partnership Program Adobe Acrobat icon