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Data & Surveillance

Cardiovascular Health and Wellness ProgramThe following is a directory of publications/pages providing statistics regarding chronic disease prevalence and indicators. Most reports are produced by the Chronic Disease Prevention Branch/Health Promotion Unit, Texas Department of State Health Services, and the Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Where indicated, reports are PDF files (pdf viewing information)






Cardiovascular Disease in Texas:
A Surveillance Report - August 2007

View PowerPoint presentation
(2.73 mb)

View PDF file
(2.18 mb)


Texas Fact Sheet

Region 1 Fact Sheet
Region 2 Fact Sheet
Region 3 Fact Sheet
Region 4 Fact Sheet
Region 5 Fact Sheet
Region 6 Fact Sheet
Region 7 Fact Sheet
Region 8 Fact Sheet
Region 9 Fact Sheet
Region 10 Fact Sheet
Region 11 Fact Sheet
Austin Fact Sheet
Dallas Fact Sheet
El Paso Fact Sheet
Fort Worth Fact Sheet
Houston Fact Sheet
San Antonio Fact Sheet

Chronic Disease in Texas - A Surveillance Report of Disease Indicators
(1.22 mb) Publication Number: E81-11194
Chronic disease conditions are the major cause of illness, disability, and death in Texas as well as in the United States today.  Despite broad public awareness of specific life-threatening diseases such as cancer and heart disease, most people are still not aware that, collectively, chronic diseases account for three out of every four deaths in Texas and the United States.  The content of this report provides information on preventable deaths, risk factors and trends over time.  Data from this report may also contribute to the planning and implementation of programs that will improve the health of all Texans. 
Publication Date: December 2006

The Burden Report: Cardiovascular Disease & Stroke in Texas (1.31 mb) Publication Date: December 2006
Cardiovascular Disease in Texas - A State Plan with Disease Indicators and Strategies for Action (983 kb)  Publication Number: E81-11195
Publication Date:  August 2000
Cardiovascular Disease in Texas Poster
(77 kb)  Publication Number: E81-11271
11 X 17 poster with CVD data for Texas, including heart disease and stroke mortality trends, trends in selected risk factors and mortality rates by county.
Publication Date:  2007

Cardiovascular Disease in Texas: A Risk Factor Report
(188 kb) 
2003 Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data on cardiovascular disease in Texas. Note: Please dispose of earlier versions and download or open this file to view the corrected report.

Physical Activity Among Texans
(63 kb) 
1998 Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data on physical activity among Texans.

Data & Surveillance Links and Resources

Mortality Data

Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Data and Statistics
Health Resources and Services Administration Community Health Status Indicators Project

Behavioral Risk Factor Data

CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System
School Health Index
CDC Tobacco Control
Texas Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Texas Youth Tobacco Survey
Texas Commission on Alcohol & Drug Abuse

HMO / HEDIS Information

Texas Health Care Information Council



Last Updated July 2, 2007

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