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What's the Risk?

What's The Risk? Don't find out

The Texas Railroad Commission, in coordination with the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission (IOGCC), wants each and every student in the state of Texas to get involved in a new curriculum showcasing the dangers presented by oil field equipment.

In April 2003, four students in Palestine, Texas were killed when they inadvertently set off a massive explosion of several oil storage tanks. While appearing safe, the oil stored in the tanks can give off flammable fumes. According to investigators, these fumes were ignited by a cigarette lighter.

Today, questions loom in the sadness engulfing the parents in the wake of this tragedy.

In an effort to inform Texas students of the dangers posed, The Texas Railroad Commission and the IOGCC will show just what the risk is and how heavy a toll a lack of awareness can be. A curriculum of class work and video presentations is available for students in Texas junior and senior high schools. We hope your schools will find the information helpful in whatever setting possible to thwart potential disasters.

With the current available curriculum (pdf format, ver 5.0) and video, you have the chance to keep students in your community safer. Please help the Railroad Commission and the IOGCC in this endeavor as we work to end accidents, which threaten the safety of our students .

You will need the Windows Media player, ver 7.x or higher to view the video clip. The video clips are available in high bandwidth format or low bandwidth format. To download Windows Media,click here.
If you are using an older version of Windows Media player and experience problems you may need to upgrade your codec. To upgrade, click here.
If you are using Netscape, please read the instructions.

Video Clips

If you would like to receive the video and curriculum please complete the form below. If you need additional information, please contact the Texas Railroad Commission at (512) 463-6710.

RRC Email Address Policy
