Public Transportation Grants

On February 26, the Texas Transportation Commission approved the use of $32.8 million in American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding for public transit projects.

TxDOT administers a number of federal grant programs, as well as state dollars appropriated for transit projects. Descriptions of the various grants are included below.

Program Descriptions

  Discretionary Capital
  Elderly Individuals and Individuals with Disabilities
  Intercity Bus
  Job Access and Reverse Commute (JARC)
  New Freedom
  Rural Public Transportation
  Planning and Research
  United We Ride
  Small Urban Public Transportation

Coordinated Call

Effective July 11, 2008, the Public Transportation Division has implemented a new annual process for soliciting competitive grant proposals for Federal Transit Authority-funded programs. Formula program processes will remain unchanged. The following federal programs have funding available for grant projects at this time:

  • Job Access Reverse Commute
  • New Freedom
  • State Planning Assistance
  • Rural Transportation Assistance (RTAP)
  • Intercity Bus
  • A portion of the anticipated Non-urbanized Area discretionary fund programs

The change to an annual process will:

  • Promote comprehensive system development proposals
  • Assist grantees with a more predictable timing process
  • Create greater flexibility and efficiency by allowing grantees to anticipate grants from multiple funding streams simultaneously
  • Assist in public transportation coordination efforts

This annual program call will be posted each summer, proposals will be due in the winter and awards will be made in mid-to-late spring of the following year.

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