Online Forms FAQs

  What should I do if I cannot open or view an online form?
  What should I do if the form looks like it has loaded but does not open?
  How can I download a form directly to my hard drive and stop the form from displaying in the Web browser window?
  When downloading a PDF form, my Web browser window says, "Done," but all I get is a blank screen. I already have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader. What should I do?
  When I download a PDF form, I get a message that the PDF file is damaged or corrupted. Is your file damaged?
  When I tried to download a PDF form, I got a message asking me what application to use. I selected Word (or another program). Now all I see are weird symbols when I look at the file. What can I do?
  How can I save data I've put in the PDF forms?
  When printing some forms in PDF format all the words run together with no spaces between them; however, everything looks fine on the screen. What is causing this?
  How do I find out which version of Adobe Acrobat Reader I use?