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§ 485.006. GIFTS AND GRANTS. The office may accept gifts, grants, and other funds specifically designated by the donor or grantor for use in developing the music, film, television, and multimedia industries of this state. Added by Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., 2nd C.S., ch. 11, § 29, eff. Sept. 1, 1991.

If you would like to make a donation to the Texas Music Office program, please email us at music@governor.state.tx.us, or call (512) 463-6666.

The following organizations, foundations, businesses or individuals made donations to the Texas Music Office to underwrite the TMO's efforts to promote music business and music education in Texas.

2008 Donations

The Cain Foundation

donation toward Texas Music Office travel

2007 Donations

The Cain Foundation

donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory
donation toward Texas Music Office travel

2006 Donations

The Cain Foundation

donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory
donation toward Texas Music Office travel

The Texas Cultural Trust Council

donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory
The Texas Cultural Trust Council (TCTC) is the non-profit entity whose purpose is to engage in private sector fundraising and public awareness activities for the Texas Cultural Trust Fund.

2005 Donations

South by Southwest Music & Media Conference

donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory

The Cain Foundation

donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory
donation toward Texas Music Office travel

2004 Donations

The Crickets and Their Buddies

donation to the Texas Music Foundation
The Crickets and their Buddies is the first record ever released that will have part of its proceeds donated to the Texas Music Office's Texas Music Foundation fund. The TMF is used to make grants to benefit music-related educational and community programs sponsored by nonprofit organizations located in the Crickets' native state of Texas. One such program is to finance the purchase of a musical instrument from any Texas retailer by students who could otherwise not afford them. "The Texas Music Office is proud and delighted that these legends of American rock & roll have chosen to give so generously to those creating the next generation of Texas music," said Casey Monahan, Texas Music Office director. "We were happy when Sovereign Artists, the Crickets' label , opened a Texas office, but we were even happier when they chose to partner with the Music Office to promote music education."

Bluewater Music

donation toward Texas Music Office travel


donation toward Texas Music Office travel

Donations made in the memory of Julie De Rossi

donations toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory
Received from Mr. Hugh B. Barton, Mark and Sara Bettencourt, James and Joretta Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Cash, Muriel K. Criswell, Harry H. Cullen, Ada J. and Robert M. Edwards, Jim and Jo Lynn Gerhardt, Barbara and Neil Hanson, Bob and Evelyn Hillegeist, Kelli Huff, Robbie and Dudley Hughes, Susan M. Jenkins, The Nettles, Gary and Stephanie Schwing, Mrs. Frances A. Soderstrom, Barbara Tanner, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Timte, Don & Jane Weempe, and the West Houston Monday Bridge Club

The Cain Foundation

donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory
donation toward the production of the Enjoy Texas Music License Plate

2001 Donations

Mars Music

donation toward the publication of the Texas Talent Register

1998-1999 Donations

Crystal Clear Sound

donation toward the publication of two editions of the Texas Music Industry Directory

1992-1998 Donations

Studio Tech Supply / Studio Supply Company

donation toward the publication of four editions of the Texas Music Industry Directory
donation toward the publication of two editions of the Texas Recording & Production Guide

1994-1995 Donations

Texas Commission on the Arts

grant toward the publication of two editions of the Texas Music Industry Directory

1993 Donations

Lone Wolf Management Company / Hamstein Music Publishing, Inc.

donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory

1992 Donations


donation toward the publication of the Texas Music Industry Directory

In addition to financial donations, the TMO has received more than 130,000 hours of volunteer assistance from 157 Fellowship Interns.