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Texas Veterans Land Board Banner

Forfeited Land Sales
Type I and Type II


~Effective Immediately~

  • Veteran purchasers will have to qualify for VLB financing.
  • Veterans requesting financing will have to make a down payment and pay all closing costs, including the cost of title insurance. This may include additional surveying costs.
  • The VLB can only finance 95% of the minimum bid amount up to $80,000. Any amount you bid over the minimum bid amount must be paid at closing, if you are obtaining VLB financing.
  • Financing is not available for non-veterans submitting an offer to purchase on a Type II tract. Purchases by non-veterans will have to be for cash or financed by other lenders.
  • All new loans will be originated as a mortgage with a Note and Deed of Trust. Contracts of Sale and Purchase are no longer available.

Please continue to the main Forfeited Land Sale Tracts page.

For more information, contact us.
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