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Computer Generated Listings Available in Paper

The following items are available from the Railroad Commission Electronic Data Coordinator as either paper listings or gummed labels.  The price includes postage.  Refer to the Mainframe Data Ordering Information page for further details.

Oil Operators

A list of oil operator names and addresses from the Form P-5 Organization File.

District Gummed Labels Listings
$ 28.00 
$ 32.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 32.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 27.00 
$ 29.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 27.00 
$ 29.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 33.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 31.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 32.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 31.00 
$ 29.00 
$ 33.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 34.00 
$ 52.00 


Gas Operators

A list of gas operator names and addresses from the  Form P-5 Organization File.

District Gummed Labels Listings
$ 27.00 
$ 29.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 31.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 27.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 29.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 31.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 27.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 27.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
$ 31.00 
$ 42.00 


Form P-5 Organization File Specialty Code Operators

A statewide list of names and addresses from the Form P-5 Organization File.

P-5 Specialty Operators Gummed Labels Listings
Oil Gatherers
$ 27.00 
$ 29.00 
Gas Gatherers
$ 28.00 
$ 31.00 
Gas Purchasers
$ 28.00 
$ 33.00 
Gas Nominators
$ 28.00 
$ 30.00 
Pipeline Operators
$ 28.00 
$ 34.00 
Waste Haulers for Hire
$ 28.00 
$ 31.00 
Reclaiming and Treating Plants
$ 27.00 
$ 28.00 
Refineries and Gas Plants
$ 27.00 
$ 28.00 
Skim Oil Received from Saltwater Disposal Sites
$ 27.00 
$ 30.00 
Companies Physically Moving or Storing Crude or Condensate
$ 27.00 
$ 29.00 
Approved Cementers for Plug Wells as Specified in SWR 14
$ 27.00 
$ 29.00 
Gas Processing Plants
$ 27.00 
$ 29.00 
Directional Survey Companies
$ 27.00 
$ 30.00


H2S Field and Concentration Listing (HSN012)

$ 31.00

This program reads the hydrogen sulfide files and computes the average H2S concentration by field. The number of certificates plus concentration data are printed in district and field number order.


H2S Certificate Ledger Listing (ROGPHS)

$ 30.00

This program reads the hydrogen sulfide master file and prints a ledger showing all H2S certificates in either:

  • certificate number order;
  • district, operator, and certificate number order; or
  • district, county; operator and certificate number order.

Please specify the order in which you would like the listing at the time that you make your request.


Saltwater Disposal Permit Index Listing (WSDPIL)

$ 25.00

This index contains a list of all saltwater disposal permits approved by the Commission.  This report includes the permit number, operator number, operator name, permit issue date, field name, lease number, lease name, well number, county name and district.  This information is available in four sequences: 

  • district, operator name and issue date;
  • district, field name, operator name and lease number;
  • county, operator, lease name and well number; or
  • permit number, operator number, and issue date.

Please specify the order in which you would like the listing at the time that you make your request.


Drilling Permit Index Listing (DAN305)

$ 42.00

This is a list of drilling permits issued for a specific time period.   Information printed includes: county name, operator name, lease name, well number, API number, district, permit date and permit number. Permits may be requested in several sequences including:

  • county, operator, lease and well number;
  • operator, lease and well number; or
  • district, county lease and well number.  

Please select by beginning and ending date and specify the order in which you would like the listing at the time that you make your request.


Pipeline Permit Listing
(PLN022 )

$ 21.00

This is a statewide listing of permitted oil and gas pipelines.  Information printed includes:  permit number, operator name and address, pipeline class, fluids transported, county, detailed purpose and gulf or bay/estuary.


Print Top (#) Oil Operators (OLN261)

$ 21.00

This list will provide the top (#) oil operators ranked by production.  The number of operators should be provided by those individuals requesting this list. Producing operator names and addresses are also available on floppy diskette(s) for an additional $1.00 per diskette.


Print Top (#) Gas Operators (GSN288)

$ 21.00

This list will provide the top (#) gas operators ranked by production. This number of operators should be provided by those individuals requesting this list. Producing operator names and address also available on floppy diskette(s) for an additional $1.00 per diskette.


Print Largest Oil Producers in Texas (ROLPPO)

$ 21.00

This list creates the top 32 oil producers in Texas.

This listing is also available on the Railroad Commission's web site at http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/data/operators/index.php


Print Largest Gas Producers in Texas (RGSPPO)

$ 24.00

This list creates the top 32 gas producers in Texas.

This listing is also available on the Railroad Commission's web site at http://www.rrc.state.tx.us/data/operators/index.php