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Picture of the first adopt-a-highway road.

Make a difference:  Adopt-a-Highway!
The Adopt-a-Highway program of the Texas Department of Transportation gives you an opportunity to keep Texas beautiful.

The Adopt-a-Highway program began in Texas in 1985 and continues to grow, saving taxpayer’s money and keeping our rights-of-way clean. Following Texas’ lead, other states have created an Adopt-a-Highway program, and officials from Great Britain, Japan, and South Africa have visited Texas to learn more about starting programs of their own. This Texas-born program has spread to 49 states, Canada, Great Britain, Japan, New Zealand, Australia, and Mexico. More than 1.3 million volunteers participate in Adopt-a-Highway nationwide.

Who Should Adopt?
Individuals, families, youth organizations, businesses (large and small), civic and non-profit organizations, religious groups, fraternities, sororities, schools… everyone should take pride and Adopt-a-Highway.

The Adopt-a-Highway program gives citizens an opportunity to support the department's litter prevention programs by adopting a section of highway for the purpose of reducing litter on an adopted section through public participation.

More and more people are coming to Texas, which translates to – more people – more cars – more traffic – more litter! Volunteers are needed more than ever to help keep Texas highways beautiful.

Interested in participating in the program?
Contact us at or contact a local coordinator today for an application.

En Español

It's simple.

• You adopt a two-mile stretch of highway for a minimum of two years.

• You agree to pick up litter four times per year (more in some areas due to traffic count)

• Adopt-a-Highway signs will be posted with your group’s name at your adopted section.

• Adopt-a-Highway will provide your volunteers with safety vests, litterbags and safety training.

• You bask in the glory of claiming a piece of Texas pride.

Why adopt?

• It's a free, easy way for groups to help their communities, make a visible impact and earn some well-deserved Texas Pride.

• Texas is growing by leaps and bounds, and surging population means more cars on our roadways and, unfortunately, more trash.

• Although nearly 90 percent of litter on Texas highways is removed by paid contractors — not by convicts as many folks assume — volunteer efforts reduce litter cleanup costs and save taxpayers money.

• Beauty is the reward. Your ounce of prevention enables the state to use more tax dollars on highway beautification rather than trash pickup.

• Motorists respond. Seeing volunteers at work resonates with would-be offenders. Research has shown that Adopt-a-Highway roadsides are generally less littered than those maintained by road crews.

• It gives us a jump-start. The number of groups adopting in recent years has reached a plateau of approximately 3,800 groups at a time when Texas has more miles of road and more drivers than ever. Your help is needed!

Ready to sign up?  Locate your area coordinator(s) here.skip to navigation



El programa de Adopte-Una-Carretera (Adopt-a-Highway/AAH) comenzó en 1985 como una manera por la cual los Tejanos voluntariamente recogerían la basura en las vías públicas del estado. Bajo este programa, individuos, los negocios, las organizaciones cívicas, escuelas, y familias pueden "adoptar" una sección de dos millas de una caretera estatal. Estas entidades se comprometen a recoger basura en su respectiva porción de carretera por lo menos de cuatro veces al año. Este compromiso no solo asegura que las carreteras se mantengan aseadas, sino que ayuda al estado en el ahorro de sus fondos.

No cuesta nada afiliarse con Adopte-una-Carretera. El nombre de su organización se reconoce por medio de dos letreros que marcan el comienzo y final de su sección adoptada de la carretera. Adopte-una-Carretera proporcionará a sus voluntarios con chalecos de seguridad, bolsas de basura e instrucción de seguridad. Es una manera magnífica para que las organizaciones puedan ejecutar el trabajo colectivo con cooperación mutua y a la vez demostrar el orgullo en sus comunidades.

Si desea participar en este programa, favor de comunicarse con nosotros.



What They Say

“Personal involvement has proven to be the best way to keep our roads clean. The Adopt-a-Highway program costs nothing for individual groups like businesses and civic organizations to get involved, and in return for their efforts, they gain public recognition.”
—Billy Black, Co-Founder, Adopt-a-Highway

“Littering is something that makes no sense. We live in the most beautiful state in the union and those who trash it should consider what they are creating: an expensive mess. The more trash on our roads, the more money it takes to clean it up.”
—Scott C.

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