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Operations and Traffic Management

Like the field of traffic management itself, TTI research in that field covers many subject areas. TTI operations and traffic management experts are well known for their work in researching managed lanes, implementation strategies, mobility issues, traffic calming, and related topics. Personnel from multiple groups within TTI contribute expertise in areas such as cost-benefit analysis, decision-making, toll viability, operations and design, roadway corridor management, interoperability, modeling, and testing and assessment.

For example, TTI's Mobility Analysis Group and the University Transportation Center for Mobility conduct projects that build on more than twenty years of research experience in measuring congestion and related mobility issues. The TransLink® Research Center provides a full-scale operations center for testing, research, and data management. The Transportation Modeling Program focuses on methods related to mobile source emissions, travel behavior, travel data collection, and forecasting techniques. Offices in El Paso, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, and Houston provide statewide support and opportunities for diversified study topics and input.

Related Research Units

Related Subtopics

TTI conducts research in a number of specific transportation-related areas. Click the following link to see a list of the subtopics related to this area.

For More Information

Ed Seymour
Transportation Operations Group
Texas Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
3135 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3135
ph. (972) 994-0433