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Photo for visual interest. In the foreground is a traffic sign showing a right turn and the legend

Rural Transportation

Rural transportation research initiatives reach from the air to the ground to the future. Approximately 60 percent of all roadway fatalities nationwide occur on rural roads, making rural transportation safety a major concern. Among other topics, TTI researchers have expertise in studying roadway design, crash data and safety issues, multijurisdictional transit programs, freight transportation, rural rail operations, and agricultural airports. Evolving rural characteristics significantly affect transportation issues, and TTI researchers take the lead in addressing issues and recommending innovative solutions for the ongoing needs and changing composition of rural communities.

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Related Subtopics

TTI conducts research in a number of specific transportation-related areas. Click the following link to see a list of the subtopics related to this area.

For More Information

John Mounce
Center for Transportation Safety
Texas Transportation Institute
Texas A&M University System
3135 TAMU
College Station, TX 77843-3135
ph. (979) 458-3346