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Revenue by Source for Fiscal Year 2008

Tax Collections By Major Tax
Tax Collections By Major Tax Amount Percent of Total Percent Change from 2007
Sales Tax $21,604,090,350 24.8% 6.6%
Motor Vehicle Sales/Rental $3,341,588,813 3.8% 0.5%
Motor Fuels Taxes $3,101,526,779 3.6% 1.6%
Franchise Tax $4,451,325,736 5.1% 41.6%
Insurance Taxes $1,450,184,267 1.7% 7.7%
Natural Gas Production Tax $2,684,647,510 3.1% 41.6%
Cigarette and Tobacco Taxes $1,446,894,671 1.7% 8.5%
Alcoholic Beverage Taxes $784,068,675 0.9% 7.2%
Oil Production Tax $1,436,879,156 1.7% 72.1%
Inheritance Tax $5,580,142 0.0% 5.5%
Utility Taxes $503,878,555 0.6% -0.4%
Hotel Tax $370,979,724 0.4% 8.9%
Other Taxes $176,284,575 0.2% 5.6%
Total Taxes $41,357,928,953 47.5% 11.9%

Other Major Sources of Revenue
Tax Collections By Other Revenue Sources Amount Percent of Total Percent Change from 2007
Federal Income $26,238,327,684 30.2% 7.6%
Licenses, Fees, Permits, Fines and Penalties $10,227,892,331 11.8% 47.9%
Interest and investment Income $2,309,013,776 2.7% -2.7%
Net Lottery Proceeds $1,597,487,228 1.8% 2.9%
Sales of Goods and Services $495,941,577 0.6% -8.0%
Settlements of Claims $548,521,665 0.6% 2.0%
Land Income $1,050,029,895 1.2% 39.8%
Contributions to Employee Benefits $15,020,092 0.0% -93.7%
Other revenue sources $3,142,862,204 3.6% 6.4%
Total Other Sources $45,625,096,453 52.5% 13.4%

Totals may not sum due to rounding.

Total Net Revenue = $86,983,025,406

Percent change in revenue from 2007 = 12.7%

For historical data, see Texas Revenue History by Source, 1978-2007.