Texas Governor Perry

Gov. Perry's Principles For A Stronger Texas

Since taking office in 2000, Gov. Perry has followed a deliberate course of action to transform the state of Texas. Focusing on areas that are most essential to an improved quality of life, Gov. Perry has pursued improvements in safety, education, economic development, infrastructure & resource management, and personal well-being. Broken down into these five simple building blocks, this results-focused strategy has led to a state that is safer, stronger and more prosperous than ever before.

  • Strengthening Our Economy

    Strengthening Our Economy

    A strong, independent and thriving Texas economy is a top priority of Gov. Perry’s. His efforts to provide a reasonable legal climate, a sensible regulatory environment and inducements for job growth and business development have made for a more prosperous state.

    This focus on tax and regulatory reform, increasing trade, forming industry clusters, and investing for growth has strengthened our state’s economy to weather the forces of our nation’s recent economic struggles.

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  • Securing Our State

    Securing Our State

    A safe and secure state is a productive, successful state. Since taking office, Gov. Perry has provided strategic direction and encouraged a significant state investment in initiatives that protect Texans. Embracing priorities that comprehensively address the state’s security needs, he has focused resources on certain key areas including border security, public safety, victims’ rights, law enforcement and criminal justice.

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  • Moving Texas Forward

    Moving Texas Forward

    Texas is a vibrant state blessed with abundant resources and a growing population of independent thinking people. In order to ensure our state can compete in an increasingly global economy while carefully managing growth, Gov. Perry has pressed for key changes to the way Texas manages its infrastructure and resources. Working together, these initiatives will help our citizens keep Texas moving forward.

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  • Encouraging Stronger Families and Healthier Citizens

    Encouraging Stronger Families and Healthier Citizens

    Gov. Perry is committed to building a stronger, healthier Texas with a citizenry that enjoys a fit, healthy, and safe lifestyle. Acknowledging that the family is the essential building block of a strong state, Gov. Perry has advocated strongly for a number of initiatives that protect marriage, strengthen parental rights and provide children the best opportunity to succeed in life. Although the state can never assume responsibility for an individual’s lifestyle choices, government can and must encourage Texans to make healthier, more responsible choices.

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  • Educating Our Children

    Educating Our Children

    Education reform has been a top priority for Governor Perry during his 20 years of public service. He has worked to raise the overall quality of education in Texas by aligning the higher education standards more closely with the needs of business, balancing accountability with incentives for teacher and school performance and increasing the emphasis on core subject areas like math, reading and science.

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