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Home - The Coalition for Fire Safe Cigarettes

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The Coalition for Fire-Safe Cigarettes is working to save lives and prevent injuries and devastation from cigarette-ignited fires.The Coalition is calling for manufacturers to immediately produce and market only cigarettes that adhere to an established fire safety performance standard, and is working to see that this standard is required in every state in the country.

Model legislation
Until a strong fire safety standard can be enacted by the U.S. Congress, the Coalition is pursuing regulation at the state level. Read the model legislation.

Fast facts

Latest News
  • North Dakota and Missouri are the first states to file legislation in 2009

  • Fire-safe cigarette laws have been implemented in Delaware, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas and Pennsylvania

  • EU, Switzerland plan fire-safe cigarettes

  • What's the difference between a fire-safe cigarette and a regular cigarette?

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    The Coalition for Fire-Safe Cigarettes
    campaign is coordinated by NFPA.