Charges for Public Information

The Open Records Section of the Office of the Attorney General (OAG) discharges the mandates set out in Government Code, Chapter 552, Subchapter A, Section 552.009; Subchapter D, Section 552.205; and Subchapter F, Sections 552.261 through 552.274.

The OAG Cost Rules Administration administers the rules promulgated by the Attorney General to determine charges and methods for charging for copies of public information, complaints from requestors regarding overcharges for copies of public information, and requests from governmental bodies for exemption from the rules or part of the rules.

Additionally, the section provides advice to governmental bodies and requestors regarding the charges and their applicability.

Contact the Open Records Administrator:

Postal Mail:
Hadassah Schloss
Open Records Division
Office of the Attorney General
P.O. Box 12548
Austin, Texas 78711-2548

Telephone: 512/475-2497
Fax: 512/481-1992


Need More Information?
  • Charges for Public Information
  • Open Records in Texas
  • Open Records Rules (Secretary of State's website)
  • Agency Open Records Reports Login page
  • Report Regarding the Posting Information on State Agencies' Web Sites     (Word97 | PDF formats)

    Revised: May 19 2009