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TEA supports programs that help adults who want to improve their literacy skills and education. Links include:

  • Adult Education Programs - Provides information about and how to apply for different adult education and literacy programs throughout Texas, including:
    • The Adult Education and Family Literacy Program
    • The Even Start Family Literacy Program
    • Adult Education of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Recipients
    • English Literacy and Civics Education
    • Corrections Education and Other Institutionalized Individuals
    • Providers of Adult Education aby County/Fiscal Agent
  • Texas LEARNS - Provides grant management, program assistance, and other statewide support to Texas Adult Education and Family Literacy Providers.
    • Texas Educating Adults Management System (TEAMS) - Online tool used to maintain information about adult education programs throughout the state.
    • Texas Even Start Program Information Reporting System (TESPIRS) - Online system used to manage program data.
    • Credential Information Tracking System (CREDITS) - Online system used to manage program credential information.
  • Statewide Tables - Provides information and statistics about participants in education programs throughout the state, including: 
    • Regular adult education programs
    • Institutionalized adult education programs
    • Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) programs
    • English Literacy and Civics education programs
  • Texas Curriculum Frameworks Provides descriptions of standardized curriculum for adult literacy and adult secondary education (GED) programs.
  • Administrator's Manual - Provides online version of the Adult Education Administrator’s Manual published by Texas LEARNS for managers of adult education programs.
  • The Project GREAT Adult Education and Family Literacy Regional Centers of Excellence - Provides professional development opportunities for the adult education community.
  • State Board of Education Rules for Adult Education - Links to Texas Administrative Code, chapter 89, subchapter B (§89.21 - §89.33),  Adult Basic and Secondary Education, which describes TEA's adult education policy.


Note: The external links on this page are neither owned nor maintained by TEA. They are provided as a service to the public. The opinions expressed on the sites may not reflect the positions of the Agency. All URLs listed in this site have been tested for accuracy. Content accuracy and appropriateness, however, cannot be guaranteed over time as websites and their contents change constantly. The Agency takes no responsibility for difficulties which may result from the use of any website listed herein. Please notify the Webmaster if you find any dead links or inappropriate material.


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6311 Irvington Blvd
Houston, TX 77022
Phone # 713-696-0700
Fax # 713-696-0797